WWII Interactive Timeline

  • Japanese Invasion of China

    Japanese Invasion of China
    The Invasion of China was originally supposed to be to slow china becoming a powerful country, and through the previous years of lower supply they were forced to invade China for more resources after the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. The Japanese were looking for more materials to grow industries. The impact that this event had on China mainly, their population lost around 20mil military casualties.
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    German Blitzkrieg

    The German Blitzkrieg was a military tactic to disorganised the enemies and cause mass shock and surprise with great speed. This happened because it kept the enemy off balance which resulting in the Germans using Radio communications to keep the plan going very well. The impact, more advancement in communication between two parties throughout the rest of the war.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    It was an invasion of the Soviet Union during the war. The plan failed due to the unpredicted snow and preparation of the soldiers. This happened because Hitler wanted more, and he thought that was the best way. This was made as one of the most powerful invasions in history and basically made Hitler a bigger threat.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    Pearl Harbor was a U.S. base near Hawaii which received a surprise attack by Japanese forces. Many planes of Japanese forces dropped on the based and they managed to destroy many planes and in the process over 2 thousand americans where murdered. The Japanese and American Officials then cut off supplies to each other, which neither side would back down and war was just waiting to happen again.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    The march was a 66 mile march to a railway that was to transport prisoners to a prisoner of war camp. Roughly 70 000 prisoners where forced to walk the march by the Japanese after being captured in the Philippines. After the bombing of pearl harbor this had happened Japan quickly was taking over Southeast Asia. This was important cuz it affected many lives of those from more on in their generations & they were obviously pissed off.
  • Wannsee Confrerence

    Wannsee Confrerence
    It was a meeting of the German officials to implement the “Final solution” which was mass genocide. This event happened because they wanted to get rid of the “threat” the Jews had on the Nazi’s plans. The impact of this is that the people involved have had a huge loss in numbers and missing information lead to a loss of family lineage.
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    Operation Gomorrah

    This event was a bunch of air raids which spanned over 8 days and 7 nights. It was later called the Hiroshima of Germany by British officials and the bombs that were dropped killed plenty of people. Thanks to a new radar-jamming device the allies only lost 12 aircrafts. The ruins affected Hitler because he saw it is an end to the war.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    The battle was one of the last offensive attacks on the allies that resulted in a failed attempt to push the Allies back from German’s home territory. The Germans wanted to push the Allies away in an attempt to secure their success. The impact this had is it basically made sure that the Germans didn't get more territory before the war ended and stopped them from having a slightly higher chance at winning the war,there was around 195k murdered.
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

    D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
    It was a very large invasion used to defeat Nazis and end the war. With both air and sea covered, the Allies intended to end the dreaded war. The reason for this invasion was to 1. Defeat Nazi Germany and 2. End World War 2. Many of the Allies worked together but there were still many casualties.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    The Allies near the ending stages of the war, were finding these concentration camps and setting all the prisoners free and helping them. After the Liberation of the camps things were still pretty bad, most people didn't know where their families were (or if they were alive even) and no records were kept so there was a huge loss of lineage knowledge people even today don't know for sure what happened to their families.
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    A campaign between the Army of Japan and U.S. Marines. Considered to be one of the bloodiest fightings with just about 200 survivors from the original 21 000 Japanese forces. Iwo Jima was used as an emergency landing site for many bombers which saved the lives of many airmen. Securing the island really prepped for the invasion of Okinawa.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    It was the Bloodiest and one of the last major battles of WWII. It was a part of Operation Iceberg, a plan to invade and occupy the islands of Ryukyu. The battle of Okinawa happened so that the USA could take down the last barrier that was still standing between them and the imperial empire. The battle had impacted the Japanese as a population with enormous numbers of casualties.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Victory in Europe Day. The day the Allies celebrated their victory after defeating Nazi Germany and Hitler and the end of WW2 in Europe. This happened because the Allies accepted the surrender of all the German forces. This stopped the war from going on longer than needed and kept a lot more people from dying in the unneeded war.
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    Dropping of the atomic bombs

    The US dropped a bomb over the japanese city of Hiroshima in a plan that was supposed to help end the war without making the Japanese all die. They choose very specific locations and the second bomb was dropped in Nagasaki. The bombings eventually made Japan scared and made sure they were to surender instead of try to keep fighting.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    VJ Day is victory over Japan day and it was when the formal surrender documents were signed and celebrated, similar to VE Day. They had signed the documents in Tokyo Bay. The impact the signing had on the war is it stopped the fighting and basically saved japan from sinking into the ocean with most of its land mass.