WWII Gypsies

  • Gypsies are considered "Not Aryan"

    The gypsies are now included in the Nuremberg laws, which meant that they were considered impure, like the Jews.
  • Period: to

    Nazis Figure out Gypsy Solution

    Racial Hygiene and Population Biology Research Unit is established by the Nazis to look into the Roma genetics and whether or not it is 'pure'.
  • Thousands of Gypsies murdered

    Thousands of Gypsies are murdered at Babi Yar. The Germans invaded the Soviet Union and on the Babi Yar revine, they shot Jews, Gypsies, and anyone they hated in groups of ten.
  • Gypsies are told to list who should be saved

    Nine Roma representatives were chosen to select what Gypsies were pure and what Gypsies were not. 10% of the Romas were 'Aryan', but Nazi concentration camps did not specify who was to be saved, so Gypsies were slaughtered at random.
  • All Remaining Gypsies in Auschwitz are Gassed

    From August 2-3, all of the Gypsies that remained in Auschwitz were gassed. This night was called Zigeunernacht, or "Night of the Gypsies".