• Japan invades Manchuria

  • Italy takes possesion of Ethiopia and Albania

  • Hitler remilitatizes the Rihneland

  • Germany enters the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan

  • Germany enters the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with Itlay

  • Germany entered the Anti Commitment Pact

  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Germany and italy also took part in it supplying the insurgent forces with soldiers weapons, while France and great Britain don't get involved
  • Germany invades Austria

  • Germany demands Czechoslovakia to hand over the Sudetenland

  • Munich Conference

  • Japan invades China

  • Invasion of Poland by Hitler

  • Pact of Steel

  • Allies declare was on Germany, beggining ww2

  • the german army invaded most of western Europe

  • Jews are moved into ghettos

  • Germany offensive tho the East

  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Yuguslavia and Greece invaded by Germany

  • Operation Barbarossa is launched by Hitler

  • Beginning of the Jewish massacres in the USSR and eastern Europe

  • american victory in midway

  • Allied landings in North Africa

  • the Americans stopped the Japanese advances in the pacific in the Battles of Midway and Guadalcanal

  • Nazi leaders planned the Final Solution

  • Period: to

    Battle of stalingrad

  • Italy surrenders

  • general Eisenhower lands in French Africa amd defeats the Germans in Tunisia

  • Teheran Conference

    peace treaty
  • Invasion of the USSR

  • Allied landings in Normandy

  • The Soviets take back Ukraine

  • Normandie landing by American and British trops

  • Atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Germany surrenders

  • Japan Surrenders

  • Second conference in Yalta

    For peace
  • Third conference in Postdam

    For peace
  • Allied Armies occupied Germany

  • Hitler suicide

  • Paris peace conference

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Austria signs the treaty