• Japanese invasion of China

    Caused by the Marco Polo Bridge conflict. Which escalated into a intense war between China and Japan.
  • Rape of Nanking

    This is an event of mass murder and rape against the residents of Nanjing, committed by the imperial troops of Japan. To this day, Japan will still not own up to their war crimes, due to no direct evidence that proves they did it.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    Germany invading other countries. This caused quite a few countries to go to war with Germany.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa is a code name for "Axis invasion" where
    Nazi Germany invaded the soviet union as the Nazi's goal of taking western Soviet Union and turn the community to Germans
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese launched a bomber squad to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in attempt to take Hawaii and use Hawaii as a half way point to attack the west coast of Hawaii
  • Wannsee Conference

    This event was a meeting for the senior officers of Nazi's to discuss the "Final Solution" of which consisted of killing off all European Jews. This ended up starting concentration camps and the Holocaust
  • Bataan Death March

    Imperial Japanese troops invade the Philippines, and take American and Filipino population as prisoners and make them go on the death march to trains to take them to camps, and eventually allied troops regain northern territory and Japan is forced to attempt to kill their prisoners, when 30 american troops attempt escape, and only 7 make it to there savior
  • Battle of Midway

    Midway is an island in the pacific ocean that is occupied by America, and is used in the personal war between America and Japan. Japan plans on using a code name- "AF" and take over the island as a surprise attack, but the U.S. figured out the code and stops Japan during the largest Naval and aviation battle known to man. The main goal for the US is to take Japans aircraft carriers, Japans is to use midway as a easy way to attack the U.S west coast and win the war, but overall fail there mission
  • D-Day, Normandy beach

    U.S. troops were brought in from transport boats to take the beach and use it as a vantage point, and eventually take the lead in the war.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Last German offensive advance along the western front. This was the furthest Germany got until the allied troops pushed back and regained control.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Allied forces know about the camps, and the people suffering there, Germany tries to kill everyone in the camp and burn camps down to hide the evidence, but some allied forces get there too soon, and free all the prisoners from the camps.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy the island of Iwo Jima from the imperial Japanese troops. This island was important because it worked as a Naval, Arial, and Army base in the ocean close to Japan, which gave the U.S a vantage point
  • VE Day

    Victory in Europe day, also known to Americans and VE day or V-E Day, the day the Nazi army completely surrendered to the allied forces.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The USA has had enough of Japans bs and enough of them trying to push us around, so we set them straight by killing a high amount of their population. This stopped the Japanese and locked in our victory
  • VJ Day

    With Japan being the last axis country standing, they decided to surrender to the allied forces, naming the event Victory over Japan day, or better known as VJ Day, funny name, but important, as it marks our WWII victory