Mao Zedong heads Long March
Lead by Mao Zedong. He, the red army, and peasant communist followers marched more thant 6000 miles between 1934 and 1935. They ended up in caves in north west china. Were they gained new followers. -
Germany invades Poland; France and Great Britain delcare war on Germany
Hitler engages in "Blitzkrieg" or "Lighting war" because he took over Poland so quickly. Sense the Munich conference, Britian and France had had a policy of appeasement but Hitlers invasion of Poland forced to declare war. -
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
On December 7th Japan drops bombs on an American naval base. 2300 Americans were killed. This forced the US to enter the war. -
Germany surrenders
Hitler commited suicide with his new wife. Shortly after the soviets surrendered. -
Period: to
Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
United Nations Formed
51 countries signed a document in San Fransico that created the United Nations. It was based on Wilsons League of Nation.