

By sydjwl
  • Hitler's Rise

    Hitler's Rise
    Hitler's Famous rhetoric: Hitler Speech A brilliant orator, Adolph Hitler rose to power in years previous promising a better life for the humiliated and hurt Germans.Once apointed Chancellor, the Enabling Act of 1933 assured Hitler indefinate power in the German government, making him a dictator.
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    Nazi Death Camps: The Holocaust was a mass killing of 6 million jews and 5 million gypsies, blacks, and other undesireable people. It arose with Hitler in Germany, and was his attempted genocide inorder to create a master race. It is considered one fo the worst crimes agains humanity ever perpetrated.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    This was an attempt from Roosevelt to keep distance from the war, giving the U.S. the needed time to prepare for their entry into WW2.
    If there are those so brave as to risk getting us into war by traveling in the war zones --let us tell them, and let us tell the world, that from now on their deaths will be a misfortune to their families alone, not to the whole nation.-Bennet Clarck
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Hitler arranged the Munich Conference in Munich, Germany to discuss the anexation of Czechoslovakia with France, Great Britan, and Soviet Union. "I am not quite clear why there was so much danger of Great Britain or France being involved in a war with Germany at this juncture if, they were ready all along to sacrifice Czechoslovakia." -Churchill http://tinyurl.com/lyxc7or
  • Four Freedoms Speech

    Four Freedoms Speech
    FDR's "four Freedoms" speech gave the American people a moral cause to fight for. FDR noted the four fundamental freedoms that were being compromised by Japan and Nazi aggression. They were "Freedom of Speech", "Freedom of Worship", "Freedom from Want", and "Freedom from Fear". FDR's Four Freedom Speech: http://tinyurl.com/ne9a835
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    FDR's Response Speech to Pearl Harbor: FDR's Speech was in response to the attack on the United State's military base stationed in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. The attack brought the United States into the war mainly in the domestic level. Now people felt effects of the termoil in Europe and prepared to fight. "A date which will live in infamy"-FDR, same link as above
  • Internment camps

    Internment camps
    Japanese internment Camps: <a href='http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/japanese-american-relocation/videos/japanese-internment-in-america' >Internment Camps were a direct response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor which began to put japanese immigrants into seperate camps. Presidential order 9066 confermed Internment camps claiming that they were nessisary for national security. Relocation Notice: http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/04/sorelle/poetry/wwii/notice.html
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The battle of Midway is the turning point for the United States on the Pacific Front where they began to triumph over Japan. In the end, a well timed American fighter bomber attack severely crippled 4 key Japanese aircraft carriers, giving America supremecy in the Atlantic.
    "Midway thrust the warlords back on their heels, caused their ambitious plans..........to be canceled, and forced on them an unexpected, unwelcome, defensive role". -Samuel Morison http://tinyurl.com/mwvo2ve
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    Casablanca Conference

    In the last phases of WWII, FDR and Churchill met in Casablanca to discuss the final stages of the war. They agreed upon the term "unconditional surrender" in their peace treaties, which may have increasaed the length of the war. They decided on the final assault on Germany and how to continue in the Pacific. Primary: http://www.ibiblio.org/pha/policy/1943/430124a.html
    "It is fun to be in the same decade as you." FDR to Churchill, showing the friendship of the two and the cooperation they had
  • Detroit Race Riots

    Detroit Race Riots
    A. Philip Randolph convinced washington to create fair treatment of blacks in defence industries. The Fair Employment Practices Commision was made to inforce the executive order. The racial tention manifested itself in race-riots, famously in Detroit. "In Detroit, a city noted for the growing impudence and insolence of its Negro population, an attempt was made to put your preachments into practice, Mrs. Roosevelt." -Jackson Daily
  • Womens Army Corps

    Womens Army Corps
    The Women's Army Corps was the first branch of the American Military for women. This was a great success for women's rights, although the WAC was strictly non-combative. The WAC put some 200,000 plus women in uniform, and forever changed the role of women in the armed forces in America, as well as their role in the home. A WAC propoganda vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-NI8JQW8bQ , starts at about 1 min
  • D-Day

    D-Day FootageAmerica is now has feet on the ground in the European theater of war. This was the initial storming of Normandy which aimed to eject Germany from France. The initial American invasion from the beaches was led by General Eisenhower who was successful after much struggling to secure the beach.
  • FDR Death

    FDR Death
    America's man has grown old and died. FDR led the nation for three complete terms, and died in his fourth. He lived long enough to see a sure victory in Europe and the Pacific, but not victory. Harry Truman was now President. Truman: "Is there anything I can do for you?"
    Mrs. Roosevelt: "Is there anything we can do for you? For you are the one in trouble now."
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Victory in Europe, the day after the official surrender of Germany. This day marked the end of WWII in Europe. Wild pandemonium of celebration filled the streets of the allied towns, as the awful war was finally over. The video below shows the celebration in England.
    NY Times Article: https://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0507.html
  • Trinity Nuclear Test

    Trinity Nuclear Test
    HeroshimaThe Trinity Test was the first ever nuclear bomb detonated. It was developed by the Manhattan project. The project was started after Albert Einstien wrote to FDR warning of the potential of such a bomb. The new weapon was to be used on Japan, and later forced their hand into surrender. http://www.dannen.com/decision/trin-rad.html Trinity Report