Japanese Armies invaded China
Japanese invaded China after years of unofficial war. The war lasted until 1945, when Japan finally surrendered. Japan made the initial attack after years of argument over China's resources and goods. The invasion required help from other nations, involving the United States and Soviet Union. -
Rape of Nanking
The Rape of Nanking is known to be one of the most horrific genocides to happen in history thus far. Japanese armies invaded China's capital city Nanking, procceeding to murder 300,000 of the 600,000 citizens. Japanese armies were ruthless, raping and killing innocent women and children while making the families watch. -
Molotov Pact
german soviet pactThe molotov pact was a non aggression agreement signed by Germany and the Soviet Union. The pact lasted until June, 1941 when Nazi's invaded the Soviet Union, breaking their promise. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
Adolf Hitler called for around 1.5 million German troops to invade Poland. Hitler believed attacking Poland would provide more living space for Germans. To better their chances of not being stopped, Germany agreed to sign a nonaggresion with the USSR before moving troops into Poland. This made sure the USSR wouldn't come to Polands aid. -
German Blitzkrieg
The German Blitzkrieg, or "lightening war" is a military tactic commonly used by the German Army. Blitzkrieg was meant to confuse and disorganize the opposing side, giving the German's the advantage. Blitzkrieg was used during invasions in Poland, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands. -
Fall of Paris
germans invade parisGermans announced that they would be inforcing a curfew of 8 pm. German troops entered the city, taking control over what wasn't theirs. Over two million citizens left, knowing what was coming wouldn't be good. -
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa served as a code name for the German's attack on the Soviet Union. German armies attacked from all sides, using over 3,000 tanks to break through obstacles. Germany invaded over 2,000 miles, spreading from the Black Sea to the North Cape. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese fighter planes attacked American Naval base. The attack only lasted two hours, though it caused lots of damage. The Japanese took out 20 American naval vessels, and killed over 2,000 soldiers. The attack caused the United States to panic, resulting in President Roosevelt and congress declaring war on Japan. -
Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference was a meeting held by senior official Nazi's, held in Berlin. The meeting was held to ensure government departments would agree to send the Jews to Poland, where they would be murdered. Around 15 government representatives attended the meeting. -
Battle of Midway
battle of midwayDuring the Battle of Midway, the United States Navy fought and defeated Japan. They took out vital tools and weaponry. The Battle was named after an island that Japanese armies moved aircrafts and ships to on the east coast, named Midway. -
Operation Gomorrah
Operation Gomorrah, or the Bombing of Hamburg as it's most commonly referred as, was one of the largest firestorms during WWII. Over 42,000 civilians were killed, and 37,000 were left wounded. Hitler refused to visit the run down cities after the bombings, where over 280,000 building where turned to rubish. -
D-Day, or the battle of Normandy, was an airborne assault on Germany. The assualt was carried out by armies from the United States, Britain, and Canada. The troops landed and carried out attacks on over 50 miles of beach front. -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
liberation of concentration campsThroughout WWII, over 20,000 concentration camps had been established by the Nazi's. Soviet Soldiers started freeing prisoners from multiple concentration camps, finding many sick and on the verge of dying. Many freed prisoners died shortly after gaining their freedom, they were too weak to digest food and get their strength back. Canadians, Americans, British, and French soon started following the Soviet Soldiers, freeing others from concentration camps. -
Battle of the Bulge
The main goal during the Battle of the Bulge was to split armies up and cause confusion. Hitler decided this would be done most successfully by blitzkrieg attacks. The American army was caught by surprise, they fought back while on foot. -
Operation Thunderclap
Operation Thunderclap was a military plan that was never carried out. The plan would have ultimately killed over 100,000 civilians. The attack was set to target Berlin, the most populated city in Germany at the time. Operation Thunderclap would have most likely killed multiple important German personnel. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The Battle of Iwo Jima was an invasion of American armies in Iwo Jima, an island in Japan. American Armies went against 23,000 Japanese over the course of one month. They finally claimed victory, after losing 5,900 soldiers. -
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of OkinawaThe Battle of Okinawa was the last large battle of WWII, also the longest battle. The Japanese were going against an army that was almost twice the size as theirs. Over 12,000 American soldiers lost thier lives, while just over 110,000 Japanese soldiers lost thiers. The Americans gained access to land that was just 350 miles from Japan. -
V-E day
V-E DayV-E day is the day known as German troops surrendered to Europe. Citizens celebrated for days after, they threw parties, made banners and posters, and welcomed home family. Stalin didn't announce the war ending until the next day. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
atomic bombsOn August 6th, a US bomber was given orders to drop a bomb on a Japanese city, Hiroshima. The bomb killed over 80,000 civillians. Nagasaki was the next to receive a bomb, killing upwards of 40,000. The bombs caused unhealthy living conditions in the months to come, slowly killing over 100,000 more people. -
V-J Day
VJ DayThis day marks the surrender of Japan, officially ending WWII. V-J day stands for "VictoryOver Japan Day", Two days of celebration followed the anticipated news. People flooded the streets and held parades for the returning soldiers.