

By jmarowf
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    Click here for more info The Allied Powers at the palace of versallies to create the Treaty of Versallies ending WWI. The Treaty created the Leauge of Nations that was supposed to keep peace after WWI.
  • Nine Power Treaty

    Nine Power Treaty
    Was a treaty affirming the sovereighty of China and territorial integrity of China as per the Open Door Policy, after the Suzerainty system fell apart by the Western invasion in East Asia that outlawed Chinese capability for the "Close Door Policy" since Qing Dynasty, signed by all of the attendees of United of States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal to the Washington Naval Conference
  • Mussolini Takes Control of Italy

    Mussolini Takes Control of Italy
    was an Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 until his ousting in 1943. He ruled constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Known as Il Duce Mussolini was one of the key figures in the creation of fascism
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party led a coalition group in an attempted coup d'état which came to be known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler's attempt to start an insurrection in Germany against the Weimar Republic
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    a treaty renouncing war as an instrument of national policy and urging peaceful means for the settlement of international disputes, originally signed in 1928 by 15 nations, later joined by 49 others.
  • U.S. Stock Marcket Crashes

    U.S. Stock Marcket Crashes
    Black Tuesday hit Wall Street as investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors. In the aftermath of Black Tuesday, America and the rest of the industrialized world spiraled downward into the Great Depression (1929-39), the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world up to that time.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    In 1931, the Japanese Kwangtung Army attacked Chinese troops in Manchuria in an event commonly known as the Manchurian Incident. Essentially, this was an attempt by the Japanese Empire to gain control over the whole province, in order to eventually encompass all of East Asia. This proved to be one of the causes of World War I
  • Hitler Becomes Chanslor of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Chanslor of Germany
    On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed as the chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg. This appointment was made in an effort to keep Hitler and the Nazi Party “in check”; however, it would have disastrous results for Germany and the entire European continent.
  • Japan Withdrawls from League of Nations

    Japan Withdrawls from League of Nations
    when a railway incident in north china and the league didnt support japan and it was because of the Manchuria . and was revealed the Japan blew the railway up and blamed it on china and used it as an excuse to take over manchira
  • Natzi party takes over political majority

    Natzi party takes over political majority
    Hitler became chanslor of Germany on january 30th and the Natzi party slowly started to take over
  • First Anti-Semitic Law is passed in Germany

    First Anti-Semitic Law is passed in Germany
    Wouldnt let Jews own any bussnesses and people with any small relation to jews as in one grandparent were classified as jewish
  • Rohm Purge

    Rohm Purge
    The Nazi leaders took advantage of the purge to kill other political enemies, primarily on the German nationalist right. Known as the “Night of the Long Knives” or “Operation Hummingbird,” the murders cemented an agreement between the Nazi regime and the German Army (Reichswehr) that enabled Hitler to proclaim himself Führer of National Socialist Germany and to claim absolute power.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in Belgium, France and Luxembourg on the Western Front toward the end of World War II in Europe. The surprise attack caught the Allied forces completely off guard and became the costliest battle in terms of casualties for the United States, whose forces bore the brunt of the attack. It also severely depleted Germany's war-making resources.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were anti-Jewish statutes enacted by Germany on September 15, 1935, marking a major step in clarifying racial policy and removing Jewish influences from Aryan society. These laws, on which the rest of Nazi racial policy hung, were written hastily.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    italy took over Ethiopia and Leauge of Nations didnt do anything
  • Hitler openly defies the Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler openly defies the Treaty of Versailles
    he militerized the rhine land and had more then 100,000 in his military
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Rome-Berlin Axis, Coalition formed in 1936 between Italy and Germany. An agreement formulated by Italy's foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano informally linking the two fascist countries was reached on October 25, 1936. It was formalized by the Pact of Steel in 1939.
  • Germany Annexes Austria

    Germany Annexes Austria
    This Day in Jewish History / Nazi Germany annexes Austria. A significant majority of Austrians enthusiastically welcomed the Anschluss, which spelled the doom of the country's Jewish population. March 12, 1938, is the date of the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into the German Third Reich.
  • Munich conference

    The Munich Conference came as a result of a long series of negotiations. Adolf Hitler had demanded the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia; British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to talk him out of it.
  • Hitler demands the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia

    Hitler demands the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia
    Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler had threatened to take the Sudetenland by force. The Czechoslovakian government resisted, but its allies Britain and France, determined to avoid war at all costs, were willing to negotiate with Hitler. On Sept. 29, Hitler met in Munich with Prime Ministers Neville Chamberlain of Britain, Edouard Daladier of France and Benito Mussolini of Italy to reach a final settlement. Czec leaders were not included in the talks.
  • Franco becomes Dictator of Spain

    became dictoator of spain
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    was a non-agression treaty between Germany and Russia and was signed in Moscow
  • Nazi invasion of Poland

    It is the military invasion on Poland by the Nazi Germany on September 1st and lasted till poland army surrendered
  • Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain is the name given to the Second World War air campaign waged by the German Air Force against the United Kingdom during the summer and autumn of 1940.
  • Lend Lease Act

    The Lend-Lease Act was the name of the program under which the US supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with vast amounts of war material between 1941 and 1945. It was signed into law on 11 March 1941
  • Operation Barbarossa

    was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II. Over the course of the operation, about four million soldiers of the Axis powers invaded the USSR and failed this was a turning point for Adolf Hitler
  • Pearl Harbor Bombing

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941. The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of senior officials of Nazi Germany, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on 20 January 1942.
  • Doolittle Raid

    The Doolittle Raid, also known as the Tokyo Raid, on 18 April 1942, was an air raid by the United States on the Japanese capital Tokyo and other places on Honshu island during World War II, the first air raid to strike the Japanese Home Islands. It demonstrated that Japan itself was vulnerable to American air attack, was retaliation for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of Midway

    THe US Navy defeated Japanese attack against midway atoll marking a turning point for the pacific theatre.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in the south-western Soviet Union
  • D-Day and Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord was the code name for the Battle of Normandy, the Allied operation that launched the successful invasion of German-occupied western Europe during World War II. The operation commenced on 6 June 1944 with the Normandy landings. A 1,200-plane airborne assault preceded an amphibious assault involving over 5,000 vessels. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on 6 June, and more than three million allied troops were in France by the end of August.
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    was found dead in private bunker in berlin
  • V-e day

    May 8, 1945, the day of victory in Europe for the Allies in World War II.
  • Little Boy Dropped

    the codename of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  • Fat man dropped

    was the codename for the type of atomic bomb that was detonated over Nagasaki, Japan by the US
  • V-J Day

    Victory over Japan Day is a name chosen for the day on which Japan surrendered, in effect ending World War II, and subsequent anniversaries of that event.
  • Nuremburg trials

    The Nuremberg trials were a series of military tribunals, held by the Allied forces after World War II, most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany. The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg.