

  • FDR becomes president

    FDR becomes president
    FDR becomes the 32nd president of the united states
  • Hitler takes power

    Hitler takes power
    Hitler takes power in Germany
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    Neutrality Act of 1935
  • Hitler annexes more countries

    Hitler annexes more countries
    Hitler annexes Austria and Sudetenland
  • Beginning of World War 2 in Europe

    Beginning of World War 2 in Europe
    Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    Germany invades Poland
  • President Roosevelt re-elected for a third term

    President Roosevelt re-elected for a third term
    President Roosevelt re-elected for a third term
    American Selective Service plan instituted
    Minersville v. Gobitis rules that flag salute is mandatory in schools; overturned in 1943
  • United States officially enters World War II

    United States officially enters World War II
    Lend-Lease Assistance Plan begins for England
    Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
    United States officially enters World War II
    Germany & Italy declare war on the United States
  • Battles ensue

    Battles ensue
    American troops engage in combat in North Africa
    Japanese Internment Camps opened in America
    Battle of the Coral Sea
    Battle of Midway Island
    Casablanca released
  • Allied armies invade Sicily

    Allied armies invade Sicily
    Allied armies invade Sicily
    United Mine Workers strike
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    D-Day Invasion
    President Roosevelt defeats Thomas Dewey and is re-elected to a fourth term
    Beginning of the Battle of the Bulge
  • FDR dies

    FDR dies
    Yalta Conference
    Nazi Concentration Camps discovered by Allied forces
    FDR dies in Warm Springs, Georgia
    Harry S. Truman becomes the thirty-third (33rd) president of the United States after death of FDR
    Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies
    Atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Japan surrenders unconditionally