Germany invades Poland
Germany invading Poland which sparked the beginning of World War II. The Germans invaded Poland with its Luffwaffee burtally bombing Poland. This action started the long world power struggle that centralized itself in Europe. -
Period: to
World War II
This was the entire span of World War II -
Great Britan and France Declare war on Germany
When Great Britian and France declare War on Germany after Germany invaded Poland it amounted to the Start of Majory fighitng in Europe this fignting was for power and was realted to power struggles in which one group of people wants control over all of the other groups of people. -
Battle of Britain
The battle of Britan was the constant bombing of London by the German Luffwaffe. This was the continueation of the The Biltz which was short for Blitzkerig which mean lighting war in German whch had started in Poland it was a series of Night attcks on England. It was a power struggle between the Germans and the British, due to the fact that Germany was attempting to invade Great Britian. -
Germany Invades the Soviet Union
Germany decied to betray thier ally Soviet Union and invaded it. This was a major mistake for the Germans because this invasion would lead to the power shift that would leave them almost helpless. -
Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was an American Military Naval Base in Hawaii. On December 7,1941 Pearl Harbor was attack by Japan in the yearly hours of the morning. It led the sensless murder of hundreds of Naval Officers and led to giving America joining in WWII. -
The Battle of Midway
Japan had tried to capture a cureical island in the Pacific Ocean with an American Naval base on it to lure the Americans intoa battle they thought they would lose. But the Americans broke Japan's code and were able to plan thier battle staragey before the attack and they ended up with a victory of Japan which gave them some what of the upperhand over the Japanese -
Battle of Stanlingrad
The Battle of Stanlingrad was a harsh battle between the Germans and The Soviets where Germany was attempting to take over the captial city of Soviet Russia. This was a huge power shift for Nazi Germany because they saw a large lost o power because they experienced a large lost of men in this battle. -
D-Day Invasions take place
The D-Day invasions of Normandy were a sieres of battles that led to greats loses of life. This victory of this invasion of Nazi occupied Europe prevented a potentially awful power shift between Communist Russia and Ger many, The idea of this potential power shift comes from Germay's betryal to Russia which led to the brutal attacks by Russia to Germany. If the allies hadn't won these battles would have led to Commuinist Russia taking control of Nazi occupied Europe. -
Hiroshima and Nagaskai bombed by America
The Dropping of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima on (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9) was the event that led to the surrender of Japan to America which ended the war. This is majorly important to the power shifts of World War II because it was the final act that ended the war.Though it left an awful mess in Japan where many innocent people were murdered for no good reason. -
Japan Offically Surrenders to America
Japan Offical Surrenders to America on when the sign the Surrender Documents on the deck of The USS Missouri declaring the end of World War II. This Surrender by Japan to America shows the final power shift in the war, which would make America a world superpower and giving us more power than we had ever had.