

By 10fross
  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
    On this day during the 1930's the Japanese Kwangtung Army attacked Chinese troops in Manchuria. This historical event is known as the Manchurian Incident. The Japanese Army did this as an attempt to gain more control of East Asia. Japan itself was going through a depression of its own and could not feed its people. So, they built up a major army that was strong and they took advantage of it. This is significant since it's one of the reasons WWII occured. Why couldn't we all get along?
  • The Reichstag Burns

    The Reichstag Burns
    The Berlin fire station received an alarm call that the Reichstag buildin has been on fire. Many innocent people died from the fire that was a mystery. However, we know that this was done as a conspiracy. Hitler had fellow nazi's burn the building so he could get something out of it, and he diffinitly did. The burning of this building gave Hitler his power. He looked at it as a god time to grab power since the building burned, since it was a tragedy
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    Around noon on this day, Adolf Hitler had been sworn into office for the German people. At this time the people of Germany were jobless, some homeless, and desperate for a change. They would have sworn a donkey in office if Hitler had not came around, which probably would have been better. This is significant since it's the beginning of horrors for the German people, and many others. It's amazing how people respond to certain things at times. Hitler becoming chancellor is the worst thing.
  • The first concentration camp

    The first concentration camp
    Concentration camps was Hitlers way of "exterminating" all people who were Jewish. This is probably the worst thing that has every happened in History. Hitler made his first concentration camp in Berlin as soon as he came chancellor. This is significant because it shows the kind of world that Hitler wanted to live in. He wanted things his way or the highway.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    These laws were the begining of a horrible world for Jewish descendents. They striped away the rights to be a citizen for Jewish people. Hitler felt as though Jewish people deserved no rights. He didn't think of Jews as people, but as scum who didn't deserve the German name. This law prohibited Jews marry a person with blonde hair and blue eyes, called an Aryan. They also couldn't hire an aryan woman wo be a maid. Later in history these laws get even more rediculous.
  • The Nanking Massacre

    The Nanking Massacre
    This event is also known as the Rape of Nanking. It was a six week time period following the capture of a place called Nanjing. During all of this commotion many Japanesse civilians were killed and many woman were raped. This is significant because it shows how violent the Japanesse were and that they were willing to do anything to get land. They wanted a big empire as well as Hitler did.
  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    Anschluss is a German term meaning that Austria is now apart of Germany. Austria's Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, wanted to have the Austrian people vote whether or not they want to be apart of Germany. However, this didn't work and Hitler got his way once again. This is significant since it's showing once again how much power Hitler wants. He wanted to have a big German empire to take out everyone else during the war. What would have happened if the United States was defeated in this war?
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    This event was held in Munich Germany. The leaders of Great Britian, France, and Italy allowed Germany to annex
    certain areas of Czechoslovakia. Adolf Hitler wanted Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia, and the prime minister of Britain tried to talk him out of it. However, this attempt was unsuccessful. The prime minister made a deal that he could have the territory only if Hitler demands no more land. FIve months later Hitler broke the agreement by dismembering
    the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • The Non-Aggression Pact

    The Non-Aggression Pact
    This famous pact is also known as The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. This treaty was signed in Moscow and it was a pact between Russia and Germany that stated each party to be neutral if a third party attacked either country. This treaty remained effective until June 22, 1941 when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. This is significant since it shows how much Hitler wanted to be in Power. He wanted to take over as much land as he could to make himself a stronger individual.
  • The start of WWII

    The start of WWII
    There are many events that leads up to the start of this devastating war. However, there is one even that sets everything off, when Germany invades Poland. Of course, the Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. This is significant because it caused a whole mess for many other countries. Also, this is another tactic so Hitler can dominate more land to make himself a powerful icon.
  • America becomes a neutral country

    America becomes a neutral country
    On this date the United States formally becomes a neutral country. After the Great War many americans wanted nothing more to do with fighting. The first war left an impact on America and americans were scared it would return again. So, the theory was to remain neutral and stay out of other countries affairs. This is significant because getting involved in a war would mean more chaos for the american citizens. However, before we know it, we have no choice but to become a part of this war.
  • Nazi Euthanasia

    Nazi Euthanasia
    Another one of Hitler evil doings is a Nazi Euthanasia program, and this ordered "Mercy Killing" on disabled people. Hitler wanted to banish "life unworthy of life" and at first targeted young children. People had to report to this is they had schizophrenia, epilepsy, senile disorders, and retardation. Hitler would ga these innocent people for something that could not help.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    This even during the 1940's was a conflict between Britain and Germany, of course. This battle took place in the sky and was over the United Kingdom. Britain defeated the Luftwaffe's attempt to gain air acess over England. Since Britian won it prevented them from Germany having control of their skies.
  • Japan Joins the Axis Powers

    Japan Joins the Axis Powers
    In September 1940 Japan decides to join the Axis Powers. The Axis Powers consists of Germany and Italy as well. These three countries withdrew from the Treaty of versailles and signed a part together. This famous past is know an the tripartite Part and meant that they were all part of a military allience. This is significant because it shows that Japan had an interest in bigger things. The leader wanted power and land as well as Hitler did. This was all a part to get as of Europe.
  • America First Committee established

    America First Committee established
    On this day the AFC was established. This was the most powerful isolationist group in the United States before we entered WWII. This popular committee had over 800,00 members! Some famous people in this group included Henry Ford and Charles Lindburgh. This is sigificant because it goes to show how many people during this time period were anti-war. However, it was bound to start whether they wanted it to or not.