First Saturday Surprise
Hitler says that he is going to rebuild the German air force. He claims that it will only be for defnese for the nation. This broke the argreement in the Treaty of Versailles that says "The armed Forces of Germany must not include any military or naval air forces." -
Second Saturday Surprise
Hitler and his soldiers invade the Rhineland. The Rhineland was the area that was taken from Germany in the Treaty of Versailles Both of the Saturday Surprises were against the Treaty of Versailles; after this you can tell Hitler will have no regard for the Treaty. -
Hitler's Taking of Austria
Hitler met with the Prime MInister of Austria in a long 11 hour meeting that was not pretty. Hitler thretened him for most of the time saying he would invade Austria if he didnt give Austria over to Germany, He disagreed and then on March 11 Hitler invaded and took Austria. -
Meeting of Italy, Germnay, France , and Britian
The British Prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, was so concerned about Hitler taking over Sudetenland because they were allies; he was amking trips to Germany to try to appease Hitler. Italian leader Benito Mussolini invited these countries to a meeting regarding German conquest. During the meeting the they agreed to give Hitler Sudetenland, and that would be Hitler's last territorial demand. -
Hitler takes Czechoslovakia
Hitler took the entire nation of Czechoslovakia. This broke the agreement, or the Peace in our time," that had just been agreed to by Germany 6 months ago. Britian and France were not happy that GErmany broke the promise and when Hitler thretened to attack Poland they promised to be at defense. -
The War Begins
On September 1 Hitler attacked Poland, and later took over. The invasion only took 18 days. 3 days later Great Britian and France declared war on Germany starting World War II. -
Attacking Polish Jews in the East
Jews were being forced to wear yellow stars on their clothes. They could not be on the street between 9:00pm-5:00am, if they didnt follow they could be thrown in jail for 10 years. Also in Poland there were almost 400 concentration camps and over 400 forced labor camps. -
Period: to
German Conqueres of Western Europe
BY this time most of the Eat wa conquered so GErmany went to the Western side of Europe. By May they already had taken Denmark, Norway, Belguin, the Netherlands, and Lexembourg. Then on June 22 the took over France; this gave them all of Western Europe except for Britian. -
Invasion of Russia
Hitler told his troops not only to invade Russia, but to also destroy it. Along with the Army invading they also had the SS follow and take a territory. In each territory they were told to murder anyone who was an enemy of the state. They were doing the same thing they already had been but more extreme. -
The US joins the War
Japan, Germany's main and the ally, and the United States had started a war. A day after the US declared the war the Japanese bombed Pearl Habor. Hitler joined the Japanese in fighting America which brought Britian, the Soviet UNion, and the US together to make the allies.