WWI Timeline

  • The Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand

    The Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand
    Arch Duke Ferdinand was a monarch of Austria-Hungary. He was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist Princip. The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand was the spark that ignited WWI
  • Raid on the Suez Canal

    Raid on the Suez Canal
    The Raid on Suez took place between Jan 26 and Feb 4, 1915. The British ultimately won on 4 February 1915 after the Ottomans retreated in defeat.
  • Battle of The Somme

    Battle of The Somme
    The Battle for Somme was without question the bloodiest battle of WW1. Over 1 million men died on each side over a 141 day period. There were 57000 British casualties on the first day. 7.5 times the population of Bonner.
  • The Armistice

    The Armistice
    The armistice of Compiègne, Paris was signed on ¨the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.¨ The treaty was written largely by Ferdinand Foch, a Allied Supreme Commander.