WWI-Great Depression-WWII~ Mackenzie S. & Brooke W.

  • Henry ford opens his assembly lines to african american workers

  • Austria-Hungary surrenders to the Allies

  • Assasination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

  • Assasination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

  • Bank failures begin

  • Austria-Hungary surrenders to the allies

  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Period: to


  • Sinking of Lusitania

  • sinking of the Lusitania

  • Russia withdraws from WWI

  • Food administration set up under Herbert Hoover

  • War Industires Board established to regulate production in WWI

  • Russian Communist Revolution begins

  • Russian communist revolution begins

  • Passage of the selective service act

    Passage of the selective service act
  • Espionage and Sedition acts passed by Congress

  • Espionage and Seditin acts passed by Congress

  • War industries board establsihed by Woodrow Wilson

  • Food administration set up under herbert hoover

  • Worldwide Flu epidemic kills 30 million

  • Period: to

    Worldwide flu epidemic kills 30 million

  • Woodrow Wilson presents his Fourteen Points Peace Plan

  • Woodrow wilson presents his fourteen points peace plan

  • National war labor board established by Woodrow Wilson

  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
  • Armistice ends World War I

  • Armistice ends World War 1

  • Period: to

    Passage of prohibition and end of prohibition

  • Benito Mussolini appointed prime minister of italy

  • Henry Ford opens his assembly lines to African American workers

  • Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan

  • Hirohito becomes emperor of Japan

  • Charles Lindbergh makes first nonstop transatlantic flight

  • Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic in a solo flight

  • Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic in a solo flight

  • Herbert Hoover elected President

    Herbert Hoover elected President
  • Herbert Hoover elected president

  • The Stock Market Crashes "Black Tuesday"

  • The stock market crashes "black tuesday"

  • Bank failures begin

  • Period: to

    Dust Bowl

  • Period: to

    Dust bowl

  • Boulder dam project begins

  • Boulder Dam Projet begin

  • Japan conquers Manchuria

  • Hoover disbands the Bonus Army

  • Hoover disbands the Bonus Army

  • Hitler comes to power in Germany

  • Hitler comes to power in Germany

  • First Fireside Chat by FDR

  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

  • Congress creates the SEC

  • Congress creates the SEC

  • Elvis Presley born

  • Works Progress Administration established

  • Congress passes the Social Security Act

    Congress passes the Social Security Act
  • Congress passes the social security act

  • Period: to

    Civil war in spain

  • Jesse Owens wins fours Gold Medals at Olympics in Germany

  • Hindenburg Disaster

  • Period: to

    Japan invades Northern China

  • Orson Wellers broadcasts the WAR of the worlds

  • Period: to


  • Hitler and Stalin sign Non aggression Pact

  • Period: to

    Germany invades Poland

  • Germany invades Poland Britian and France Declare War

  • Japan, Geramany, and Italy sign the Tripartite Pact

  • German Gerneral Rommel surrenders in North Africa

  • Lend Lease Act

  • Hitler invades the Soviet Union

  • Period: to

    Japan bombs Pear Harbor-U.S. enters WWll

  • WWll war production board created by roosevelt

  • Period: to

    Japanese Internment camps begin

  • Period: to

    Battle of Midway

  • FDR elected President-once-twice-three-four times

  • Period: to

    Battle of the Buldge

  • Period: to

    Seven year occupation of Japan by United States

  • Period: to

    Yalta Conference

  • Period: to

    Iwo Jima

  • Hitler sets up Dachu

  • V-E day and V-J day

  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Period: to

    Nuremburg War Trials

  • Rceived a call from Sun Records offering big break

  • Elvis signed a contract for four records with Sun Records

  • Elvis made his first television appearance

  • Elvis's first album was released

  • Marrage of Elvis and wife Priscilla

  • Birth of daughter Lisa Marie Presley

  • Divorce from wife

  • Elvis makes his last concert appearance at Indianapolis

  • Elvis Presley dies