Henry Ford opens his assembly lines to African American workers
Assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
Russia Communist Revolution begins
Passage of the Selective Service Act
War Industries Board established to regulate production in WWI
Woodrow Wilson presents his Fourteen Points Peace Plan
Food Administration set up under Herbert Hoover
National War Labor Board established by Woodrow Willson
Espionage and Seditoin act passed by Congress
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles establishing the peace at the end of WWI
Benito Mussolini appointed Prime Minister of Italy
Charles Lindbergh makes first nonstop transatlantic flight
Amelia Earhart crosses the Atlantic in solo flight
First Fireside Chat by FDR
Work Progress Administration established
Jesse Owens win four Gold Medals at Olympics in Germany
FDR elected for President for the second time
Orson Welles Boarded the WAR of the Worlds
Kirstallnacht ( night of the falling glass)- Hitler destroys Jewish neighborhoods
Hitler and Stalin sign Non aggression Pact
Germany invades Poland Britain and France Declare War
Japan, Germany, and Italy sign the Tripartite Pact
FDR elected for President for the third time
*Japan bombs Pearl Harbor- U.S enters WWII. World War II
WWII War Production Board Created by Roosevelt
German General Rommel surrenders in North Africa
FDR elected for President for the fourth time
* Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki