WWI ends

By deaner
  • WWI ends

    war ends
  • Herbert Hoover is elected

  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
  • first bank panic

    everyone went to get out their money
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    twas a tariff
  • 1930 Midterms

    the elction running
  • the second bank panic

    second bank panic
  • food riots of 1931

    rioting for food
  • Unemployment hits 25%

    unemployment dropped drasticly
  • Period: to

    First New Deal begins

  • FDR is elected

  • "First Hundred Days"

    FDR's first hundred days in office
  • Emergency Banking Act Passed

    banks got more money so people could get their money out
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Created

  • Second New Deal begins

    the start of the second deal
  • FDR attempts to "stack" the court

    Fdr stacked the courts
  • US enters World War 2

    us about to kick some butt