• (EU) Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo

    (EU) Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo
    On this day, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot by Gavrilo Princip. This event is often considered the spark for World War 1, which would grow because entangling alliances.
  • Austria declared War on Serbia

    Austria declared War on Serbia
    Austria declares War on Serbia a month later after Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist.
  • Germany declares War on Russia

    Germany declares War on Russia
    Germany declares war on Russia after responding from the general mobilisation.
  • Germany invades and declares war on France

    Germany invades and declares war on France
    Germany invades the countries, and declares the war on France .
  • President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality

    President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality
    During WWI, Germany had attacked the US, and Wilson said that the US will not be involved.
  • Britain and France declared war on Turkey.

    Britain and France declared war on Turkey.
    Turkey had sunken and ruined many ships, so in a revenge, Russia declared war on Turkey, allies of Russia joining in.
  • Japan on China (Twenty-One Demands)

    Japan on China (Twenty-One Demands)
    Claims that were made by the Japanese government for giving laws or privileges to China
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The German waited in their U-Boat under the water, when the U-Boat saw the Lusitania coming and aimed at it, causing about 1,000 people to die, 128 of Americans
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain declares war on Germany
    Britain declares war on Germany, an action that was certain to have begun
  • 1916 Presidential Election of Woodrow Wilson

    1916 Presidential Election of Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson was the 33rd elected President in November 7, 1916. Defeated Democratic incumbent Charles Evan Hughes.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    Made an alliance with Germany and Mexico; it was basically a secret diplomatic communication that had been issued by Germany during January of 1917.
  • Wilson Asked for Declaration of War

    Wilson Asked for Declaration of War
    Wilson asked the Congress to begin a war with Germany, as Wilson said the world must need to be safer for democracy.
  • The United States Declares War/ Congress votes for declaration of war.

    The United States Declares War/ Congress votes for declaration of war.
    Congress responded back to Wilson, starting up the war against Germany and the US.
  • Armistice 1918

    Armistice 1918
    A truce made by Germany and France to stop fighting for one day. (stop of war)
  • Spanish Influenza 1918

    Spanish Influenza 1918
    The beginning of the flu, affected 500 million, including people from the Arctic and Pacific Islands