• Period: to

    Balkan wars

    Pushed by Austria on the small newborn states of the Balkans in order to revolt.
  • The Spark

    A young nationalist Bosnian, Gavrilo Princip, kills Archduke Ferdinand of Habsburg, heir to the throne.
  • The Ultimatum

    Almost a month after the assassination of Francesco Ferdinando, Austria-Hungary sent a tough ultimatum to Serbia which was refused. Consequently, on July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war to Serbia resulting in the progressive mobilization of European powers for the system of alliances between the various states.
  • London pact

    It was stipulated by the representatives of the Triple Entente and the Italian foreign ministers Salandra and Sonnino, with whom Italy pledged to go to war against the Central Empires.
  • The radiant days of May.

    Public propaganda to force the Italian parliament to vote on the war.
  • Italy enters the war

  • War is total on every front

    The war spreads over the Middle East in the Suez Canal area
  • Submarine warfare from Germany

    Submarine bombing to boycott British transoceanic exchanges. An economic aid from the united states is needed.
  • The united states declare war to Germany

    The intervention has two purposes: to stop the German submarine war and an interest in the victory of France and England
  • Russian revolution

    The Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian Provisional Government and seize power with Vladimir Lenin as head of government.
  • United States President Thomas Woodrow Wilson exposes his "Fourteen points".

  • Russia signs the Brest-Litovsk treaty.

    Russia withdraws from the conflict and as a consequence falls the Eastern front
  • The battle of Vittorio veneto begins

    Italy achieves the decisive victory of Vittorio Veneto and so the Austro-Hungarian empire disintegrates.
  • Military and political crisis in Germany

    William the second abdicates and the Weimar republic is formed.
  • The Great War is over

    The Russian, Austrian, German and Ottoman empires collapsed
  • Peace of Paris

    Peace conference organized by the countries that emerged victorious from the First World War, committed to outlining a new geopolitical situation in Europe and to drawing up peace treaties with the central powers that had emerged defeated by the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany is humiliated, forced to surrender Alsace and Lorraine to France and pay a war indemnity of 132 billion gold marks
  • Treaty of St Germains

    Austria loses 7/8 of its territory and is divided into several states
  • Treaty of Neuilly

    Bulgaria loses territories for the benefit of Greece, Romania, Yugoslavia and Macedonia.
  • Treaty of Trianon

    hungary loses 3/5 of the territory and forced to a repair of war and the armed forces
  • Treaty of Sèvres

    Reduction of the Turkish territory and various territories become controlled by France and England.
  • Treaty of Losanna

    The borders of Turkey are defined