Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were assassinated on a car ride through town in bosnia -
Austria-Hungry declairs war on serbia
Austria-Hungry is angry at Serbia because of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand -
russia backs up serbia
russia and germany join the war on separate sides -
germany backs up austria hungry
germany jumps in -
germany declares war on france
france gets mixed in -
germany invades Belgium
germany invades Belgium on its way to attack france -
great Britain declares war on germany
great Britain declares war on Germany because of the invasion of Belgium -
austria hungry declares war on russia
austria hungry declares war on Russia -
france declares war on austria
france declares war on austria hungry -
england declares war on austria
england declares war on austria hungry -
italy declares war on austria
italy declares war on astria hungry -
italy declares war on germany
italy declares war on germany -
America declares war on germany
America is fed up with germany