ww2 timline by kevin iliffe

  • Beginning

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    January 30, 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor
  • Mussolini invaded Ethiopia

    Mussolini invaded Ethiopia
  • President Roosevelt get his speech to quarantine war trying to keep the piece.

    . President Roosevelt get his speech to quarantine war trying to keep the piece.
  • attack on the Panay. Japanese attacked American ship

    attack on the Panay. Japanese attacked American ship
  • US fights Japan

    the US declared war against Japan.
  • Germany

    Germany wars on Jewish people tens of thousands sent to concentration camps. Business is destroyed and set on fire many people are killed.
  • Time magazine

    Time magazine releases movie about Nazi Germany trying Get Americans to not like Germany.
  • Hitler

    . Hitler announces he is supporting Japan in the war.
  • Austrai and Hitler

    Hitler declared Austria as part of Germany.
  • Hitler

    Hitler and Mussolini the president of Italy join forces
  • Jews

    Jews are worn to leave Austria.
  • Hitlers plan

    September 12, 1938 Hitler plans to invade Czechoslovakia.
  • September 29, 1938 French

    September 29, 1938 French and Great Britain leaders meet Hitler to discuss demands and talk about peace.
  • Rossevelt

    April 1939 President Roosevelt writes letter to Hitler asking him to promise not to attack any more nations
  • time mag

    January 2, 1939 Time magazine choose is Hitler as man of the year.
  • Time mag

    January 2, 1939 Time magazine choose is Hitler as man of the year.
  • Hitler

    March 15, 1939 Hitler takes all of Czechoslovakia.
  • ship

    June 6, 1939 ship from Germany with Jewish people is not allowed to land in United States and had go back to Germany.
  • Germany

    September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland
  • pearl harbor

    December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor Japanese planes attacked American base at Pearl Harbor
  • Germany VS USA

    December 11, 1941 United States declared war on Germany Italy and Japan
  • D day

    June 6, 1944D day Allied soldiers arrive in Normandy
  • Dead hitler

    May 1, 1945 Adolf Hitler commits suicide
  • Bomb drop

    August 6, 1945 atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima
  • Another Bomb

    August 9, 1945 atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki
  • END

    September 2, 1945 world war two ends