The end of WW1 treay of Varsailles
The most controversial aspects of the Versailles Treaty were that Germany was to take full responsibility for the damage caused during World War I (known as the "war guilt" clause, Article 231), the major land concessions forced upon Germany (including the loss of all her colonies), the limitation of the German army to 100,000 men, and the extremely large sum in reparations Germany was to pay to the Allied Powers. -
the treay of versailles starts WW2
The main reason is that the reparations on Germany were so heavy and strong. They lost a lot of their land. Hitler wanted to get Germany's Lebenstraum (living space) back. All the other countries also thought that the reparations were very bad, blaming everything on germany. So they weren't too bothered about Hitler taking land back, invading Austria and the Czech republic and Norway etc.. -
hitlers reasons in ww2
goals were to recover territories lost in W.W. I, Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia to be added to Germany, to conquer much of Europe, and also wanted the German nation to seize lebensraum ( living space ) from Poland, Soviet Union, and other countries to the east.Hitler believed the superior race were the Aryan people. All other races were inferior. Slavs were subhumans, this included Russians and eastern Europeans. He believed they should be conquered by the Aryan's. Blacks were lower the -
the risse of dictators
Well, the dictators in these countries created campaigns while they were in power that were taught and believed throughout the country- the most common belief was that these nationalities were superior to others. For example, Hitler preached the superiority of "ideal Germans" over other nationalities and religions. Of course, this is only one example- there are others. This was the first that came to mind. -
The Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler saw the NSDAP as an instrument for gaining power and sought to give it a military caste. He created his own personal army of storm troopers, the Sturmbabteilung or SA. The group wore brown uniforms — the same color as the victorious British army — hence the nickname “Brownshirts.” They eventually had their own marching song, which was named after the Berlin leader of the SA, Horst Wessel, who, according to Nazi legend, was murdered by a Communist in 1930. -
The Beer Hall Putsch
By the time he took control of the party, Hitler had already displayed his talent as an inspirational orator. Still, when he decided to make his first bid for power, he had only about 3,000 followers -
germany admitted to league of nations
The League of Nations was created by the Paris Peace Conference in April, 1919. In 1926, Germany joined the League demonstrating its move out of economic depression and toward normal diplomatic status. Gustav Stresemann made the first speech by a German representative as Germany became a member of the League. Germany’s admission was a victory for Stresemann and the Republic, and a step on the road to overcoming defeat in World War I, and becoming once again a respected member of the world commun -
Stalin was the leader of the USSR and his role in WW2 was incredibly significant. Had he not attacked Germany the allies may have lost. It was the American army who defeated the Nazis and marched into Berlin NOT the Russia French or British; although they didn't start fighting the Nazis until Russia and Europe had worn them down significantly. -
stock market
When the stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, the financial crisis had worldwide consequences and the reaction of nations to the dire financial straits of the Depression had a huge impact. -
stock market on wall street crashes
In the late 1920s, it seemed as if everybody was in the stock market. Estimates vary from 1,000,000 to 25,000,000. Why not? Stock prices just kept going up and up, making your original investment more and more valuable. And here was the
Headline from Variety
Oct. 30, 1929
best part -- you didn't need a lot of money to get into the market. You could buy on margin.First you borrow the money to buy the stock (interest rates were a phenomenally low 3 1/2%). -
germans elect nazis making them the 2nd largest politcal party in germany
In Hilers Speeches he Offered the Germans what they needed most, encoragement. He gave them vague promises and avoided the details. He began his speeches soft, gradually raising the voloume and pitch of his voice. Then exploding the climax of his speach All of the Nazis worked To pound their message into the minds of Germans. On election day september 14, 1930, the Nazes Received 6,371,000 votes, over eighteen percent of the total, and were entitled to 07 seats in the German Reichstag. -
FDR elected
FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945) and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic depression and total war.He worked closely with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, and restoring prosperity to the nation's economy. -
adolf hitler becomes chancerllor
Following the First World War, Germany suffered from a huge economic depression during the 20s. Hitler was an outspoken politician, with links to many extreme nationalist parties. While right-wing himself, he knew how to capture the imagination of a wide cross-section of the voters, and did this primarily by playing on their nationalistic beliefs. -
The german reichstag burns
Adolf Hitler, the new Chancellor of Germany, had no intention of abiding by the rules of democracy. He intended only to use those rules to legally establish himself as dictator as quickly as possible then begin the Nazi revolution. -
the german reichstag burns
Even before he was sworn in, he was at work to accomplish that goal by demanding new elections. While Hindenburg waited impatiently in another room, Hitler argued with conservative leader Hugenberg, who vehemently opposed the idea. Hitler's plan was to establish a majority of elected Nazis in the Reichstag which would become a rubber stamp, passing whatever laws he desired while making it all perfectly legal. -
nazi boycott of jewish owned shops
In March 1933 the Nazis won a large number of seats in the German parliament. Following the victory there was widespread violence and hooliganism directed at Jewish businesses and individuals.[1] Jewish lawyers and judges were physically prevented from reaching the courts. In some cases the SA created improvised concentration camps for prominent Jewish anti-Nazis.[3] -
nazis burn books in germany
It was a way of expressing hatred for books that Hitler and the Nazis thought were 'un-German'. The book-burning in May 1933 was organized by Goebbels and was done amid maximum melodrama. Long before anyone even thought of the Nazis the poet Heinrich Heine said, 'Where they burn books, they end up burning people'. -
nazi party decleared germany only political party
By mid-July 1933, the Nazi party was the only political party permitted in Germany. The Reichstag (German parliament) became a rubber stamp for Hitler's dictatorship. The Fuehrer's will became the foundation for government policy -
nazi party declared germany only political party
The appointment of Nazi party members to government positions increased Hitler's authority over state officials. According to the Nazi party's leadership principle, authority flowed down from above and absolute obedience towards one's superior was expected at each level of the Nazi hierarchy. Hitler was master of the Third Reich. -
germans elect nazis making them the 2nd largest politcal party in germany
It was a stunning victory for Hitler. The nazi party went from the smallest to second largest party in Germany