WW2 Timeline Assignment

By mmmacey
  • Rape of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking also known as the Nanjing massacre was the ravaging of the Chinese people by the Japanese imperial army. The Japanese brutally killed and raped over 300,000 innocent Chinese civilians. The reason this event occurred was because the Japanese beloved the land of china belonged to them.The city was also destroyed and robbed.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany completely disregarded the "Treaty of Non Aggression". Continuing they're plan to unify Germany and gain territory they invaded Poland. They used Blitzkreig strategies making it impossible for Poland to win. The next day France and Great Britain declared war on Germany.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    A devastating war tactic which is heavily fatal to whoever is being fired upon. It is known as Lightning war because Bombs and missiles are dropped spontaneously. Creating psychological shock. The military that is being fired on becomes caught off guard which allows for further progression of the German army.
  • Fall of Paris

    It only took one month of German troops invading Paris for it to be overtaken. They signed an Armistice and a puppet government was set up.
  • Battle of Britain

    After they're success in France the German Army decided to try Great Britain Next. using similar BlitzKreig tactics they were almost sure they would be successful. Thankfully the British Army had strong Leaders and were able to be successful in Defense. So Germany Move don to there next victim.
  • Pearl Harbor

    One of the most devastating Events in US history, Pearl Harbor was the surprise attack of the Japanese on the US. They bombed and completely destroyed Pearl Harbor, a naval Base in Hawaii. 2403 soldiers and civilians were lost that day. One of the reasons it was so hard to defend was because the Japanese used kamikaze pilots. Suicide bomber planes that were almost always accurate.After this event the US immediately declared war on the Axis Powers.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Seeing that the Japanese were heading for the US base in new guinea, the Us immediately went into action. It was mostly an air engagement. The Us was successful but the war was far from over.
  • Battle of Midway

    A naval battle mostly fought with aircraft. Resulting in the loss of japans first line carrier. Japan also lost most of they're best trained pilots and captains. This was a great success for the US and encouraged them to keep fighting.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    This was arguably the most significant battle and turning point in the war. It was na long, exausting, and cold battle. The germans attacked the city of Stalingrad and were unsuccessful. This admitted first loss took a psychological toll on the German soldiers. They began to lose hope in what they were fighting for.
  • D-Day

    An operation of the Allied forces where they stormed the beaches of Normandy in hopes of taking over German occupied western land in Europe. The Allied froces came in on boats, trigged through the water and landed on the beach. It was one of the most gruesome battles of WW2. The Allies were successful and it was a gratifying win.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    When the Polish army tried to regain control of Poland from the German army, before the soviet Army took over. The insurrection was unsuccessful.Germany blew up the last remaining jewish synagogue in Poland and took control of the jewish ghetto.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The goal of the mission was for the US to capture the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese imperial army. The island held two important air bases. The US was victorious. it was a rewarding win. Most of the Japanese were killed, few were captured, or they killed themselves when captured.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Feeling good about they're win in Iwo Jima, American troops pushed forward towards Okinawa attempting to eventually taker over all of the surrounding islands. The war was already begging to end on the European front so people on all sides lost hope and were exhausted. Casualities were enormous on both sides. The US won Okinawa which put them within good firing distance of Japan.
  • The atom bombs

    The most devastating event in military history. The two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Completely obliterated the society. The war was over. The Allied powers won. But the world would never be the same. These events sparked the Cold War.