WW2 timeline

  • Geneva Convention

    the treatment of prisoners of war
  • Neutrality Act

    -passed by the US to prevent a second World War
    -established they were neutral
  • Nuremberg Laws

    racist laws made by the Nazis
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan has no natural resources and invades china to get some
  • Non Aggression Pact

    Established between Hitler and Stalin to invade Poland equally
  • USSR annexed the Baltic states

    USSR invades Baltic states for power
  • Blitzkrieg

    Lightning fast war tactics used by Germany to insure a fast and swift victory
  • War declared on Germany by Poland, France, GB

    Hitler invades Poland and the Allies react with war against Germany
  • Poland ceases to exist

    Stalin Announces that the Polish government has fallen
  • Cash and Carry

    All goods bought in full cash for everything
  • Hitler Invades France

  • Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Nethers, Belgium, Luxembourg

  • luftwaffe and RAF Bombings

    Britain and Germany bombing cities and homes cause tension between the two
  • tripartite pact

    this is a pact signed between Germany Italy and Japan for an alliance this raised much suspicion
  • Hitler breaks pact with stalin

    Non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin
  • Lend- Lease Plan

    US lending boats and supplies to britain
  • Executive order 8802

    Prohibited Racism in the nations defense industry
  • US cut off trade with Japan

    Japan Was becoming really aggressive and the US cut off trade and made them more upset
  • Atlantic Carter

    end of WW2
    American and British goals
  • Kristallnacht

    The night of broken glass, used by the Nazis to kill and get rid of any non Superior races
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks US naval fleet to cripple before war could be declared
  • US declares WAR

    Japan Attacks pearl harbor and angers off the US
  • U Boat attacks

    Germany U-boats sank everything in sight enraging everyone
  • Executive order 9066

    The US putting Japanese in interment camps
  • Bataan

    Most intense battle between japan and us with the Japanese invasion
  • Island Hoping

    Used by the US to take territories owned by Japan
  • Midway

    A decisive battle in the pacific for the Americans against japan and ended on June 7 1942
  • Stalingrad

    The largest battle of ww2
  • El Alamon

    A battle on the African front
  • D-day

    American, Canadian, British and remain French allies Storm the beaches of Normandy
  • liberation of concentration camps

    Germans putting minorities and POW in kill camps
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Germany last offensive on the western front and lasted till the 26 of Jan 1945
  • Korematsu Vs US

    Chinese-American citizens response to the american exclusion act
  • Yalta Conference

    A conference held by the allies to discuss post war reorganization
  • Iwo Jima

    Major battle between US and Japan
  • VE day

    Victory day for the allies for total surrender of the axis powers
  • Potsdam confrence

    A conference held in Prince Wilhelm's home
  • hiroshima

    Bomb dropped on Japan by the US
  • Nagasaki

    2nd Bomb dropped on Japan by the US
  • VJ day

    Marks the end of ww2 and means victory in japan