WW2 Timeline

  • WW1 ends

  • Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party

  • Elie Wiesel is born

  • Adolf Hitler is name chancellor of Germany

  • 1st concentration camp built

  • Hitler targets the sick and disabled

  • Berlin Olympics

  • Kristallnacht

  • Britain declares war on Germany

  • Bombings start on Berlin

  • Holland surrenders

  • Jews were forced to wear yellow stars

  • Gas Chambers used for the first time

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Nazi's take over Northern Africa

  • Elie Wiesel is deported

  • D-Day

  • Elie is sent to Buchenwald

  • Soviets liberate Auschwitz

  • Elie's Father dies

  • Elie is liberated from Buchenwald

  • U.S Nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima

  • U.S Nuclear bomb dropped on Nagasaki

  • State of Israel created