WW2 Timeline

  • Japan Invades China

    -Started the Japanese and Chinese War that lastest into WW2
    -A Main cause for Japan to enter into WW2
    -Caused tension with the US because they traded with China
  • Period: to

    Neutrality Act

    -the US became "uninvolved" in the war
    -later revised by the "Lend and Lease" act, so the US could sell arms almost exclusively to the allies
  • Period: to

    Nuremberg Laws

    -stripped Jews of citizenship and basic rights
    -included Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, disabled, etc.
  • Period: to


    -Germans destroyed Jewish buildings, temples and arrested them
    -Previously nonviolent, Germans finally acted out against Jews - Put them in concentration camps - to the ignorance of the rest of the world
  • Poland, GB, and France declare war on Germany Sept 3, 1939

    -Result of Germany’s invasion of Poland, GB and France could no longer stand o appease Germany
    -France and Britain v Germany
  • Nonaggression Pact

    -Germany and SU agree not to take military action against each other
    -Germany strategically used this pact to be able to invade Poland unopposed
  • Period: to


    -war tactic/strategy introduced by Germany and later used by the allies
    -played a major part in Germany's invasion of Poland, Norway, France, etc. and the allies in the battle of Stalingrad
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    U-Boat attacks

    -Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare against Allied naval forces and proved to be devastating
    -They first operated with success until radar was invented and used
  • Poland ceases to exist

    -Result of the Soviet Union and German non-aggression pact, the SU declared it non-existent which later prompted Germany to invade the SU.
    -US did not take action, but was for self-determination and did not agree with the actions of SU
  • "Cash and Carry"

    -US and German relations became more mistrusting
    -allowed the US to sell arms to the allies while still being "neutral"
  • Hitler Invades Denmark and Norway

    -Germany invaded both nations, but was welcomed by the people and was able to easily take over
    -Put the allies at a disadvantage, with Hitler rapidly spreading his influence and range of military control
    -Further, set the US on the allies side
  • Period: to

    Hitler invades and splits France

    -Hitler invaded France in three divisions, diverted their focus by attacking Belgium and the Netherlands, and was able to split and takeover France
    -Hilter wanted to invade the "Low Countries" to eliminate the easier opponents fast and weaken the allies
  • Hitler invades Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands

    -Hitler was generally welcomed and in addition, brought over an overwhelming number of forces which led to a quick take over
    -Put allies at a disadvantage early on in the war
  • Period: to

    Luftwaffe and RAF bombings (Battle of Britain)

    -Britain(RAF) v. Germany (Luftwaffe)- airforce
    -Britain successfully defended against Germany’s bombing via Luftwaffe at the battle of Britain
  • Selective Training Service

    -prelude to war, the US prepares to enter the war because of the world encompassing war
    -result of the US and Japanese tension, Japan was more aggressive and moving closer to the US in the Pacific
  • Tripartite Pact

    -Alliance between Italy, Germany, and Japan
    -Intended to create a larger force to fight the allies and deter others from joining the war
  • Soviet Union annex Baltic States

    -The SU took over the Baltic states and "Sovietized" them
    -US took no action, however, this probably aided the unease involving the spread of Communism, especially when spurred y Russia
  • Lend-Lease Act

    -legislation under which the US can be neutral without being truely neutral
    -allows the US to lend/lease other countries (allies) arms and materials to support the war effort for the US's own protection
  • Hitler breaks Stalin agreement

    -Germany invaded Russia which forced the Soviet Union to ally with the allies
    -direct caused of German v. SU war/conflict
  • Executive Order #8802

    -no discrimination of anyone in the US defense industry based on race
    -a small step towards civil rights in the US
  • US cuts of trade with Japan

    -Result of Japan moved troops close to a US protectorate in the Philippines and interfered with US-Japan trade
    The US supplied most of the oil Japan had and it was a hard blow to Japan, this prompted Japan to attack the US (Pearl Harbor)
  • Atlantic Charter

    -statement made by the US and Great Britain supporting self-determination together
    -subtly aimed against Germany and showing disagreement with their policies
  • Pearl Harbor

    -attack of the US by Japan that led to the US entering the war on the side of the allies, against Japan and Germany
    -Japan was able to make a sneak attack and caused the US forces to be unorganized and in complete chaos
  • Period: to

    US declares war

    -Direct result of the attack on Pearl Harbor and general problems with Japan
    -US officially joined the side of the allies, even though they had already leaned that way despite neutrality
    -US-Dec 8 (Japan) Dec 11 (Germany)
  • Period: to

    Island Hopping (strategy)

    -The US and the Soviet Union v. Japan
    -Helped the very tricky war with Japan, quickly moving troops and attacking less protected islands
  • Executive Order #9066

    -allowed the US military to remove Japanese-Americans from "military areas"
    -Japanese-Americans lived in poor conditions in remote camps, because of the mistrust caused by the Pearl Harbor event, and were discriminated against
  • Batann (Death March)

    -Following the surrender of American and Filippino soldiers, they were made to march about 65 miles, in harsh and brutal conditions, to where they would be shipped to prison camps
    -US kept the march under wraps until later they released the info to inspire their soldiers
    -Done by Japan's military
  • Period: to

    El Alamien

    -Britain v Germany and Itlay
    -Major success for Britain in the North Africa area of the war
  • Period: to


    -US won and took over the Midway island
    -US gained an advantage against Japan and Japan stopped pursuing the Pacific
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    -Russian troops use the Russian winter to their advantage and “Not a step back” required the troops to hold their ground or face punishment
    -Germany was defeated and their army was severely weakened by the conditions of the battle
    - a turning point of the war in the allies' favor
  • Period: to

    Liberation of Concentration Camps

    -After the war, the camps were found to the surprise of other countries and the people were recovered
    -Jews still struggled but were free from German persecution
  • D-Day

    -Allied forces successfully land in Normany and invade
    -The allies combine their forces and deceive Hitler into hesitating to counter-attack
    -Allies were able to liberate France of German occupation, which forced Germany to fight a two-front war
  • Period: to


    -At Battle of the Bulge Germany drove a “wedge or bulge” in the allied forces temporarily, after breaking through their defensive line
    -Last major German offensive attack
  • Korematsu v. the US

    • a result of US-Japan tension after the attack on Pearl Harbor -Korematsu was on trial for not moving to the internment camps
  • Period: to

    Yalta Conference

    -discussion by the US, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain
    -decided division of Germany and the reparations
    -set up the tension of the Cold War involving the communist spread within the Russian territory in Germany
  • Period: to

    Iwo Jima

    -Japan v US
    -US success, but due to Japanese warfare, lost more troops and suffered more
  • VE Day

    -Victory in Europe- Germany surrenders
    -End of WW2 in Europe, the Allies took out the biggest threat and then focused on Italy and Japan
  • Period: to

    Potsdam Conference

    -involved the US, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain
    -discussion of post-war boundaries, reparations, independence, etc.
  • Hiroshima

    -the first use of the atomic bomb in war, by the US against Japan in hopes of avoiding a drawn-out war
    -introduced a deadly weapon that became a huge point of tension between many nations
  • Nagasaki

    -the second use of the atomic bomb, by the US against Japan
    -ultimately secured Japan's surrender after their continued reluctance after the first bombing
  • VJ-Day

    -Victory over Japan
    -Japan surrenders
  • Geneva Convention

    -Dealt with post-war services for veterans and war prisoners
    -protected sick and wounded military soldiers, prisoners of war, and citizens