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World war 2

WW2 Timeline

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Poland's army was defeated weeks after the invasion. Germany and the Soviet Union made a pact where they agreed to not attack each other as the split Poland in 2. This gave Germany the chance to attack Poland without the Soviet Union interfering.
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  • Germany Invades France

    Germany Invades France
    Germany invaded France thus, capturing the city of Paris. This battle is also known as the Fall of France. Germany invaded France because they wanted as much land as they could possibly get.
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  • Germany Bombs London

    Germany Bombs London
    Germany bombed London in hopes of breaking the will of people in London to keep fighting. The effect of the bombing wasn't in Germany's favor and Instead of making the people sad and depressed as they planned, it gave the British people the will to keep fighting for the rest of the war.
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  • Lend-Lease

    The Lend-Lease act provided U.S military aid to foreign nations during world war 2. This let the president transfer defense materials where as congress provided money to the gov. of the countries who's defense is necessary to the U.S's defense. They made the Lend-Lease act for the U.S's defense.
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  • Japan bombed Pearl Harbor (site used:

    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor (site used:
    In Asia Japan became aggressive with neighboring countries. It's industries depended on supplies of iron, rubber, and oil. As a result, Japanese military forces began occupying neighboring countries in southeast Asia and the pacific to meet this demand. In response President Roosevelt called for an international embargo. He hoped it'd make Japan go back but instead Japan launched a surprise attack, bombing Pearl Harbor. This caused the U.S to get drawn into direct involvement in the war.
  • U.S Declares War on Japan resulting into war on Germany

    U.S Declares War on Japan resulting into war on Germany
    U.S declared war on Japan because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Since Germany was apart of the axis powers with Japan they had to help each other out and work together and Germany thought the U.S was gonna declare war on them first so in order to beat them Germany declared war on the U.S. They were then at war. Site used:
  • Germany declared war on U.S

    Germany declared war on U.S
    America could no longer maintain neutrality from Japan attacking them so Roosevelt addressed congress on December 8, 1941 to ask for a declaration of war against Japan. Within a few days Germany responded by declaring war on the U.S because Germany wanted to beat the U.S to declaring war. U.S became apart of the allies and was at war with the axis powers. Sites used:
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Japan fought the U.S and lost in the battle of midway because they were at war. Major advances in code breaking led the U.S into finding out about Japan's surprise attack and instead the U.S got ahead of Japan in the war by attacking Japan when they did cause it was a surprise attack on Japan. The U.S won and this was a turning point in the pacific in the war.
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  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Nazi army bombed the soviet city of Stalingrad and this battle was and still now is one of the bloodiest battles in history. The battle stopped the Germans from advancing into the Soviet union. The Soviet union had joined the Allies and so Germany came after them. It marked and showed the turning point in the war in the favor of the Allies. sites used:
  • D-Day

    The Allies invaded western Europe in the largest military operation involving forces landing from the sea attack in history. The allies were at war with the axis and so this happened. Due to the invasion the allies were able to reach their goal and start defeating Adolf Hitlers crack troops.
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  • U.S Bombed Japan

    U.S Bombed Japan
    The U.S dropped nuclear weapons on the Japanese. The Nuclear weapons hit the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These nuclear weapons caused a lot of damage to Japan and a lot of lives were lost. The Nuclear weapons were dropped on the order of President Harry S. Truman. The bombs were dropped to make Japan surrender but when Japan didn't surrender, U.S dropped a second bomb.
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