WW2 project

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  • German Blitzkrieg

    German blitzkrieg means " lightining warfare." It creats a disorginization in enemy force with the use of fire power and mobile forces. The Germans used blitzkreif in a couple of battles. They used it in Poland, the Nehterlands, and France.
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  • wansee conforence

    The Wansee conforence happend on jan 20, 1942. 15 leaders from the nazi party got toghther. Heinreich himler held the meeting. They discused the jews, and what they should do.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor was a surprise arrack launched by the japanese in 1942. Pearl Harbor happened on a sunday morning. The attack happened to weaken the us navy , to help japan advance. 2400 americans died in the attack. We lost 8 battleships, and over 100 planes.
  • D-Day

    D-day was in 1944, in Normandy,France. It was the first massive invasion to take back contol of Eroupe from nazi party. Both sideds lost many soilders, and it was a deadly battle. D-Day caused a 2 front war on Germany
  • battle of the buldge

    the battle of the buldge was a attempt to push allied forces into northern france. It was one of the largest battles fought on the western front. The germans lost alot , and it hurt there army 30,000 soiilders died.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The battle started on febuary 19. japenese deaths were 3 times the number of american. we wanted to capture the island to launch attacks on their homeland. It was one of the bloodiest battles in the war.
  • V.E day

    VE day is the day that the war was offically over. the day marks when the nazis surrendered their army. the day was created as a holiday to remeber people in the war and everything that happned.
  • dropping the atomic bombs

    the anola gay was the palned named to drop the bombs. The paln was a b-29 bomber. We dropped the wolrds first atomic bomb. We dropped the bomb on Hirishima and another target. We dropped two bombs, and they were deadly.
  • VJ day

    VJ day is the day that japan surrendered to allied forces. Allied forces fought for 6 years, and ended in 1945. They surrendered in the uss missourri. People around the wolrd celebrated it.
  • Liberation of concentration camps.

    soviet soilders were the first to liberate concentration camps. One of the biggest concentration camps was Aushwitz. no one really new about concentration camps, so when they were found they were shocked. Jew were treated bad, and killed.