• Selective Service Act is passed

    Selective Service Act is passed
    A law that passed by Congress in 1917 to create a national draft. The act required all men ages 21 to 30 to register for military service at local polling stations. This was the first time the U.S. government had established a draft before entering a war.
  • Hitler is name leader of the Nazi Party in Germany

    Hitler is name leader of the Nazi Party in Germany
    Hitler was an decorated veteran in the ww2, he joined the precursor in the NSDAP in 1919 and became the leader in 1921.
  • Kellogg Briand Pact signed

    Kellogg Briand Pact signed
    It was an international agreement in which signatory state promised not to use war to solve problems; however, this only has only a little effect on preventing the rising of militarism of 1930s or preventing start of WW2.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    They wanted Manchuria because they already had 4 areas in and around china, and also they wanted more defenses and a bigger army and an increase of population meant and increase in demand for food and raw materials. They had the Kwantung army already positioned.
  • Enabling Act of 1933 is issued

    Enabling Act of 1933 is issued
    Hitler passed the Enabling Act and need a 2/3 majority in the Reichstag to pass. Gave chancellor full powers to rule for 4 years. Dictatorship becomes legal after gaining 444 votes. SPD and KPD banned from voting.
  • Neutrality Act of 1935 signed

    Neutrality Act of 1935 signed
    It was spurred by the rising in isolationism and non-interventionism happening in the US and to ensure that the US would not become entangled again in foreign conflicts. The legacy of Neutrality Acts is wide seen as very negative; they made no difference between aggressor and victim.
  • Lend-Lease program enabled

    Lend-Lease program enabled
    Roosevelt wanted Britain to obtain arms from the United States without paying cash.
  • A Philip Randolph's march and Roosevelt's response

    A Philip Randolph's march and Roosevelt's response
    Randolph was going to protest the government hiring practice that included blacks from federal employment and federal contracts.
  • Japanese attack on Peral Harbor

    Japanese attack on Peral Harbor
    Japanese attack the naval base of US at Pearl Harbor and this attack have killed more than 2300 Americans.
  • FDR wins a third term as president

    FDR wins a third term as president
    Allay Americans' fears that he would quickly lead them into war.
  • Adof Hitler declares war against the United States

    Adof Hitler declares war against the United States
    This was caused because of the series of provocation of the US being neutral during the WW2. The decision made by Hitler was offhand, without any consultation.