• 1943 BCE

    VJ day

    VJ day
    Victory over japan. Vj day is when japan surrendered.
  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    The Nanking massacre was mass murder and mass rape by Japanese troops. This caused the other countries to hate japan even more.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    German troops invaded Poland to gain power , this started the war.
  • Period: to

    German Blitzkrieg

    These were elite German troops , they stopped at nothing to get the job done. They caused unnecessary harm to innocent people and brutality .
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese air force bombed the american naval base at Pearl Harbor. They bombed this base because this is were the majority of the american navy was stationed.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    This is when Germany invaded Paris. They invaded Paris to gain a strategical position. This caused france to be weakened
  • The invasion of Normandy

    The invasion of Normandy
    German troops invaded Normandy to gain military strength. The Normandy people were oppressed.
  • Battle of the bulge

    Battle of the bulge
    The battle of the bulge was the last major German offensive campaign on the western front during World War 2. The Germans had planned a surprise attack on the Americans. Thus caused both sides to suffer many losses
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The battle of iwo jima caused the american marine corps to capture the island. This was a very strategicall
  • The battle of Okinawa

    The battle of Okinawa
    A major battle of the pacific war fought on the island of okinawa
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE day was the day the Germans surrendered. They had loss significant amount of soldires and they were out gunned.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Dropping of the atomic bombs
    This is when the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki