WW2 Amber Hicks

By hicksap
  • Nazi Fact

    Germany President von Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor of Germany.
  • Concentration Camp fact

    Nazi open up Dachau concentration camp for political enemies.
  • Nazi Fact

    Hitler gets dictatorial power form the Enabling Act.
  • Nazi Fact

    Expect the Nazi party all other political parties were outlawed in Germany.
  • Nazi Fact

    Night of the long Knives threatened Hitler power.
  • Nazi Fact

    Hitler declares himself as fuher in Germany.
  • Nazi Fact

    Conscription beings In Germany contrary to the dictates of the Versailles Treaty.
  • Nazi Fact

    Nuremburg Race laws were created taking away Jews citizenship and civil rights.
  • Nazi Fact

    98% of German people approved for Hitler policy of remilitartion.
  • Nazi Fact.

    Spanish city of Guernica destroyed by German planes, becomes symbol of anti-fascism.
  • Nazi Fact

    Germany announces union with Austria.
  • Nazi Fact

    November 9, the night of the broken glass Germans got angry because a German official died under a Jewish teenager. So they went and burned all of the Jewish stuff.
  • WW2 Fact.

    September 1, Germany invaded Poland start of World War 2.
  • WW2 Fact

    Eagle day Germany bombs of British airfields began.
  • WW2 Fact.

    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
  • Nazi Fact

    Nazi holds Wannsee conference to plan the Final Solution and Jews are in Question.
  • Concentration Fact.

    Mass deportations from Western Europe beings to extermination camps in Poland.
  • Concentration Camp Fact.

    Mass murder of Jews by gassings beings at Auschwitz contraction camp.
  • Concertation Camp fact

    Treblinka death camp opened in Poland.
  • Concentration Camp fact.

    The first gassings of prisoners happened at Auschwitz.
  • WW2 Fact.

    Soviets begin offensive against Germany in Stalingrad.
  • WW2 Fact

  • Concertation camp Fact.

    Soviets troops liberate Auschwitz.
  • Nazi Fact

    Hitler comminuted suicide.
  • WW2 Fact

    V-E day World war 2 end.