Jan 30, 1933
World War 2 starts . -
Feb 1,1933
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. -
Oct 3, 1935
Italy, under the leader ship of Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, invades Ethiopia. -
May 1, 1937
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the 1937 Neutrality Act, which bans travel on belligerent ships. -
Jul 7, 1937
The Japanese defeat Chinese forces in a clash near Peking, taking control of North China. -
May 14, 1938
In a speech in Rome, Benito Mussolini, fascist leader of Italy, promises to fight the democracies alongside Adolf Hitler's should war break out. -
Dec 7,1941
Japanese fighter planes attack the american base at pearl harbor destroying U.S. Aircraft and naval vessels, and killing 2,355 U.S. Servicemen and 68 civilians. -
Jun 6,1944
The first of nearly 3 million allied soilders arive in normandy , on tne northern shores of france -
Aug 6, 1945
The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hirshima and forced japan to surrender. -
Aug 9, 1945
America droped a second bomb on nagasaki forceing japan to surrender again -
Aug 16,1945
(JJ day) World War 2 ended