By was0607
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan felt like they needed more land so they decided to invade the region of china called Manchuria
  • Night of the Long Knives

    The nazis decided to kill all of their political opponents
  • Period: to


    Britain Thought the best way to deal with fascist regimes was to let them have what they wanted during this time period
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazis decided to vandalize Jewish homes, synagogues, businesses, and schools, and kill ~100 Jews,
  • Non-aggression Pact

    Germany and the Glorious Soviet Union decided not to attack each other
  • The Final Solution

    Hitler realized that because banks were part of the cause of the great depression, and bank tellers are stereotypically Jewish, it was, in fact, the Jews that were responsible for the great depression. He then decided that the only reasonable punishment for causing the great depression is obviously genocide.