

  • battle of the midway

    battle of the midway
    one of the most decisive u.s victories against japan during WWII begins.In 6 months of offensives prior to midway.
  • japanese invasion of china

    japanese invasion of china
    On july 7th 1937, a clash happened between chinese and japanese troops near peiping in north china.
  • rape of nanking

    rape of nanking
    it is also known as the massacre. it is the day the japanese captured nanjing. over a period of six weeks the imperial Japanese army killed thousands of people.
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    warsaw ghetto uprising

    During world war ii a armed revolt against deportations to extermination camps.
  • germanys invasion of poland

    germanys invasion of poland
    Nazi leader hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action, but britain and france weren't convinced.
  • german blitzkrieg

    german blitzkrieg
    A german term for the blitzkrieg is the lightning war. Blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization for enemy forces.
  • fall of paris

    fall of paris
    The city of paris was liberated. By, september, most of france was already back in allied hands. 580,000 french people were already killed by the time the liberation started.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    happened in dec. 7th 1941. Japanese launched a surprise attack on the u.s naval base pearl harbor in hawaii using bombers,torpedo bombers and midget submarines.
  • bataan death march

    bataan death march
    u.s surrender the Bataan march on the main Philippine island of Luzon. the japan invasion of the Philippines began on dec.7th, 1941.
  • operation gomorrah

    operation gomorrah
    The code name was given by the allied forces. The end of the operation resulted with 45,000 civilian deaths. Also, 35,000 wounded and the destruction of almost the entire city.
  • allied invasion of italy

    allied invasion of italy
    The British 8th army under field marshal Bernard begins the allied invasion of the Italian peninsula.
  • D-day

    when some 156,000 american, British and Canadian forces landed within 5 beaches along a 50 mile stretch of the heavily coast of France.
  • liberation of the concentration camps

    liberation of the concentration camps
    The people entered the majdanek camp in Poland and later overran 7 other killing centers. The purpose of the camps was set as a detention centers to stop any opposition to the Nazis by so called enemies.
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    battle of the bulge

    it's the largest war fought. Germany was the significance because of their defeat.
  • battle of iwo jima

    battle of iwo jima
    it was a major battle with the u.s marine corps landing on the island of iwo jima from the imperial Japanese army during WWII.
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    battle of okinawa

    It was the largest amphibious landing in the pacific theater of the world war II. it served as an example of how deadly the invasion of mainland japan would be.
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    Potsdam declaration

    conference was the last of the WWII meetings held by big 3 heads of state. Punishment for war wriminals.
  • dropping of the atomic bombs

    dropping of the atomic bombs
    The american bomber enola gay dropped a five ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The devastation led to japans uncondition surrender and brought an end to world war II. harry truman warned some of his advisers that any attempt to invade japan would result in horrific american casualties.
  • VE day

    VE day
    this means victory in Europe day. news of surrender was announced to the world. At the time, president Truman declared sept. 2nd to be ve day.