Munich Putsch
A failed takeover of the government in Bavaria. The plan was to kidnapp the commisionor. -
Mein Kampf
Hitler wrote a biography on himself and his hatred for Jews. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
After months of negotiations with the president Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor. -
Hitle becomes Fuher
The president dies and Hitler has absolute power over the government. The last chance for a democracy for Germany also died. -
Nuremburg laws
After a rally in Numberg the Nazi government started persecuting Jews. -
Annexation of Austria
Hitler called a national vote to see if Austria wanrted to be annexed by Germany. The vote was rigged and GEemany annexed Austria -
A massive coordinated attack on Jewish stores throughout the German Reich. Known as the night of broken glass. -
Non-Aggresion pact
They both siad they would not attack each other. That was broken in 1941 by the Germans. -
Invason of Poland
The Polish army is defeated in a few weeks after the invasion. The Germans used over 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes during the invasion. -
Inasion or Russia
THey expected it to be a quick invasion. The Soviets fought back hard and the Germans weren't prepared for the winter months.