January 30,1933
Adolf Hitler takes office in Germany. -
Feb. 27.1933
The Nazis burn buildings to start a crisis -
July 14, 1933
Nazi declares only the legal party in Germany is allowed and passes a law to strip Jewish immigrants from Poland of their German citizenship -
Sept. 29,1933
Nazis banned from owning any type of land. -
November 24,1933
Nazis passed a law that the Jews had to go to concentration camps -
May 17,1934
The Jews can't have insurance. -
May 21,1935
Jews are banned from serving in the MIlitary. -
June 26,1935
Nazis passed a law saying any women pregnant had to have an abortion. -
January of 1937
Jews are banned from working -
August 11,1938
Nazis destroy the churches the Jews go to -
February 21, 1939
Jews are forced to give away all valuables to the Nazis. -
November 23, 1939
The Jewish people over the age of 10 had to wear a yellow star so they could be picked out -
January 25,1940
Nazis discover Auschwitz to place a concentration camp for the Jews. -
October 7,1940
Nazis invade Romania. -
October of 1941
35,000 Jews were killed -
March 14, 1941
Jews are forced labor -
May 14,1941
3,600 Jews were arrested in Paris -
July 25-26, 1941
3,800 Jews were killed -
April 20,1942
Jews were banned from public transportation -
September 18,1942
The amount of food the Jews get was reduced -
Summer of 1944
Auschwitz had the highest record of Jews burned an gassed. -
October 15,1944
Nazis seize control over the Hungarian government -
October 18,1944
The last amount of Jews were transported to Auschwitz -
October 30,1944
The last gas camber was used -
April 30,1945
Americans free 33,000 inmates from the camps