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  • Period: 20 to 20


    This is a timeline for the 2nd world war. The 1st World War was said to be the war to end all wars, but it wasn't. The 2nd World War was amazingly crazy. They had poisonous gas, atomic bombs, and guns...BOOM!
  • Hitler is born

    Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. He grew up playing Cowboys and Indians. When Hitler was 7, his older brother, Alios, ran away from home, because he got bet by his father. Later when Hitler was 11, his 6-year-old brother, Edmund died. Hitler could see the cemetery, where Edmund was born from his bedroom window. Hitler had two old siblings and two younger ones, 'till Edmund died.
  • The Evacuation of Children in WW2

    During the beginning of WW2, children were evacuated to safe places so they couldn't get killed. They were sent to families that would take them in, and take care of them while their parents helped in the war effort.
  • Hitler becomes the President of Germany

    When President Hindenburg died at the beginning of august, Hitler became the leader and started the 2nd WW.
  • Blitz of London, England

    The Germans constantly bombed London from September 1940 - May 1941. The word "Blitz" is a shortened German word meaning "lightning war".
  • Food Rationing

    At the beginning of 1940, Britain started rationing their food, because the soldiers need TONS of food. The British food rationing ended 7 years after the war. The rest of the world that was involved in the war also participated in the food rationing.
  • Hitler Threatens The Jew

    Hitler theaters the Jews during his Reichstag speech.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese attacked our military base in Pearl Harbor. This attack pushed the US into World War Two, and we helped win the war.
  • Bataan Death March

    76,000 POWs (Prisoners Of War) with 12,000 of them being Americans, were forced to march 60 miles. They had to march under the HOT sun, and they got NO food or water. They were marching toward the new POW camp in the Philippines. Over 5,000 of the American POWs died during the march. It began on April 10, 1942, and ended on April 16, 1942.
  • The Development of Technology During WW2

    During WW2, we used new technology that wasn't around during WW2. We had Radar, put into our ships and planes that put out airwaves that bounced back to our planes or ships that could tell us if an enemy plane or ship was close. Like a bat. We also had vaccines that helped our men not catch some of the sicknesses across the sea. We also had the Atomic Bomb. That helped us defeat Japan and be able to focus our troops in Europe.
  • Mussolini

    Mussolini, in 1922, created a group called the “Black Shirts”, and marched them to Rome. When they got there they threatened to take over the government. King Vittorio Emanuele III gave into Mussonlini’s order. In the next five years, Mussolini gained more and more power. He created his own police force, like Hitler, called, OVRA. They were to capture, terrify, and kill anyone who was against his regime.
  • U-Boats

    U-boats were used by the Germans and were used to block other ships from coming in and delivering food. The word U-boat is a German word for, “Unterseeboat” (Undersea boat). In English, U-boat referred to all of the German boats in both World Wars. In German, though, U-boats referred to all different kinds of submarines.
  • Higgins Boats

    Andrew Jackson Higgins had been making shallow water workboats for oil and gas exploration in Louisiana. He adapted his boats for the military. Before Higgins, the military used different landing craft for their troops and vehicles. When Higgins was designing his new boats, he solved this problem, so they could land both men and vehicles in one landing. The problem was solved by adding a ramp. This design is the most famous boat design by Higgins and is nicknamed, “Higgins Boat”.
  • The Siege of Leningrad

    The Siege of Leningrad was a popular event in WW2. The Germans surrounded the Russian city of Leningrad for 3 years, 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944. The people of Leningrad didn't have enough food, or ways of creating heat. But the people of Leningrad didn't surrender to the Germans. 600,000-800,000 people died during the siege.
  • Battle of Britain (Royal Air Force (RAF))

    The Battle of Britain was the first battle completely fought in the air. Hilter in his "Operation Sea Lion", where Hilter would take over Britain. But Hitler didn't know that he would have to go through the Royal Air Force (RAF). This is where Hitler failed. He fought the RAF for four months. When Hitler realized that he couldn't beat Britain, he turned around and attacked Russia instead.
  • V-E Day

    On May 9, 1945, Europe had a HUGE victory.
  • D-Day

    On June 6, 1944, we won the Battle of Normandy.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day was on August 15 1945, when Japan surrendered to the US and WW2 ended.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    On August 6, 1945, the US dropped the first two Atomic Bombs on the Japanese cities of, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.