Japenese invasion of China
The Japnenese were expanding into and attacking China in different places during this time. Two cities that were attacked were Nanjing and Manchuria. China went through a tough defeat after suffering for a long period of time, until the end on September 9th, 1945. Because of the defeat, China ended up losing large portions of land. This invasion and attack mainly happened because the two countries couldn't get along.
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Rape of Nanking
With just getting a victory in Shanghai, the Japanese people went and hit Nanking. Hence the title "Rape" of Nanking, sure has a meaning in this attack. Women were the main targets here. They were raped, abused, and the families of Chinese soldiers were killled along with them. This went on for awhile, ending in January of the next year, 1938.
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Germany's invasion of Poland
Germany's invasion of Poland was never supposed to happen. Germany and the USSR had an agreement set between them that one another would not invade the other but rather they would join together and split Poland, Well, Germany went against their agreement and invaded anyway. Germany took all of the land they wanted and of course left the Poland army with a defeat. This attack later ended on October 6th. 1939.
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German Blitzkrieg
With the German Blitzkrieg, the German forces were able to attack Poland from both land and air. The leader of this, Hitler, his main goal was to gain the most land and gain the rulings of Poland. This is called the German Blitzkrieg because of how chaotic it was. This attaack lasted until April of 1941.
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Operation Barbarossa
This is where the Russians became a great target for the Germans. The Germans were on a roll of victories and thought they could have another by taking over Lenningrad, Stalingrad, and Moscow all at once. They were wrong. The German soldiers were not ready for the freezing temperatures and long hours of walking, so they gave up and turned around. Having ended on January 7th, 1942.
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Pearl Harbor
The bombing of Pearl Harbor is the attack that brought the U.S into WWII. Japanese troops dropped bombs over the base of the Harbor. Thousands of people lost their lives and many of the ships that were at the harbor were ruined and sunk. Japan and the U.S had a trading agreement prior to this attack, but when the Japanese invasion of China happend, the U.S dicontinued with the agreement, and that is what led Japan to attack. The day after, the U.S declared war on Japan.
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Wannsee Conference
The Wannsee Conference was a conference that was held in Berlin, which was between the high ranked leaders of the Nazi party. They discussed the final solution of the "Jewish problem". This was where Hitler exposed his plan of the removal of the Jews as a whole. First, the Jews in Europe, then moving all around the world, soon becoming a Jewless world. Hiltler thought that it would be best to start at the hundreds of concentration camps
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Bataan Death March
The Bataan Death March was a 60+ mile walk that was made by the prisoners that the Japanese had taken in and needed to be relocated. Along with being a long walk, the Filipino and American troops gave punishments along the way. The were marching to a prison camp near Cabanatuan, being hardly fed and torutured.
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Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway come after the attack of Pearl Harbor. This was the fight back from the U.S which resulted in a great victory for the U.S. The Battle of Midway was also known as the turning point in WWII, because of the large amount of permanent damage done to the Japanese army by the U.S. This battle ended on June 7th, 1942.
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Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
In the Warsaw Ghetto the Jews were trying to prevent and fight back against the moving into concentraction camps. This was known as the biggest Jewish rebellion, which did not work out as planned. There were many, many people that died during this.
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Operation Gomorrah
Operation Gomorrah was when British bombers raided Hamburg and Germany by night. This was brought on because of the German bombings against the British. The U.S also was involved on this. This was just the star of many bombing a that went on until November.
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D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
This was an unexpected attack by the Allies as they invaded Western Europe. This ended with the Allies gaining some ground back from the Nazis.
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Battle of the Bulge
Battle of the Bulge was brought on when Germans launched a surprise attack against the U.S. This attack left the U.S ended with them losing power in two different lines. This battle was so time consuming that it allowed Germany to regain power and strive to come out on top again.
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Operation Thunderclap
This wasn't as big of an event as it was said to be by the allies. The original plan of Operation Thunderclap was to just bomb many different places that were near Berlin, such as Dresden. They bombed Dresden because is was one of the biggest asset to the Germans. This was a huge loss and tragic event for the Germans. This operation went on until February 15th, 1945.
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Batlle of Iwo Jima
The battle of Iwo Jima was when the U.S invaided this area so they could land planes and jets rather than having to fly and reach the marianas to be able to land. They began fighting right away and lost over 5,000 men. They Japanese fought from caves and tunnels they have dug. This went on until March 26th, 1945.
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Potsdam Declaration
Potsdam Declaration was a proclanation that explained the Japanese surrender, it stated that all Japanese armed forces would surrender during WWII.
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Battle of Okinawa
The Battle of Okinawa happened because the U.S wanted to get more of an advantage. They thought by capturing the Pacific Islands would help. What the U.S didn't know was that the Japanese were already hiding on these islands in tunnels waiting to lash out. This was supposed to work out for the Japanese, but it resulted in the complete opposite. The Japanese surrendered because of the high amount of deaths. The U.S won the land after all.This battle went on until June 22nd, 1945.
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VE Day
VE Day is a day for celebration for the U.S and Great Britain for stopping Germany. When they had stopped them, many of the Germans caught tried to flee but were then captured by the Russains and were then held captive. This symbolized the end of the war and the Nazi party was finally defeated.
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Dropping of the atomic bombs
The bombs were dropped mainly on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. President Truman authorized the dropping of the bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima. Three days after, Japan came back with the dropping of "The Fat Man" on Nagasaki. These were the first atomic bombs used, which resulted in thousands of deaths and hundreds of injuries. What damage could be observed persuaded the Japanese to surrender their part in WWII.
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VJ Day
On this day, VJ Day, was the day the Japanese surrendered to the U.S. This was the offical ending of WWII. Mamoru Shigemitsu, the minister, was charged with car crimes and was thown in prison for 7 years.