
By aranza_
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    First countries to participate

    The main combatants were the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and the Allies (France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China).
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    Beginning of the war

    Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II.
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    Countries that joined the allies after the german invasion of Poland

    Poland: September 1, 1939
    United Kingdom: September 3, 1939
    France: September 3, 1939
    Australia: September 3, 1939
    New Zealand: September 3, 1939
    Nepal: September 4, 1939
    Newfoundland: September 4, 1939
    Tonga: September 4, 1939
    South Africa: September 6, 1939
    Canada: September 10, 1939
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    ountries that joined the allies after Phony war

    Denmark: April 9, 1940
    Norway: April 9, 1940
    Belgium: May 10, 1940
    Luxembourg: May 10, 1940
    Netherlands: May 10, 1940
    Malta: June 10, 1940
    Free France: June 18, 1940
    Greece: October 28, 1940
    Kingdom of Yugoslavia: April 6, 1941
    Soviet Union: June 22, 1941
    Tannu Tuva: June 25, 1941
  • France was occupied by Germany.

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Second World War air campaign waged by the German Air Force against the United Kingdom during the summer and autumn of 1940. The name is derived from a famous speech delivered by Prime Minister Winston Churchill " The Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin."
    The Battle of Britain was the first major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces, and was also the largest and most sustained aerial bombing campaign to that date.
  • Romania in ww2

    Having requested and received a German military mission in October 1940, Romania joined the Axis on November 23, 1940. The Romanians hoped that loyal support for a German invasion of the Soviet Union and faithful oil deliveries would: 1) destroy the Soviet threat; 2) return to Romania provinces annexed by the Soviet Union in June 1940; and 3) win German support for the return of Northern Transylvania.
  • Slovakia

    Slovakia was both politically and economically dependent on Germany for its existence as a sovereign state. Thus, Slovakia followed suit and joined the Axis alliance on November 24, 1940.
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    Countries that joined the allies after the attack on pearl harbor

    Czechoslovakia (government in exile): December 16, 1941
    Mexico: May 22, 1942
    Brazil: August 22, 1942
    Ethiopia: December 14, 1942
    Iraq: January 17, 1943
    Bolivia: April 7, 1943
    Iran: September 9, 1943
    Italy: October 13, 1943 (formerly a member of the Axis)
    Colombia: November 26, 1943
    Liberia: January 27, 1944
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    In June 1941, Hitler sent 3 million soldiers and 3,500 tanks into Russia. The Russians were taken by surprise as they had signed a treaty with Germany in 1939. Many Russian cities fell to Germany but Hitler had not expected the conquest of Russia to last into winter. The German soldiers did not have winter clothing and many froze to death.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941 brought the United States into World War II.
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    Countries that joined the allies after the attack on pearl harbor

    Panama: December 7, 1941
    Philippines: December 7, 1941
    Costa Rica: December 8, 1941
    Dominican Republic: December 8, 1941
    El Salvador: December 8, 1941
    Haiti: December 8, 1941
    Honduras: December 8, 1941
    Nicaragua: December 8, 1941
    United States: December 8, 1941
    Republic of China: December 9, 1941
    Guatemala: December 9, 1941
    Cuba: December 9, 1941
    Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (government in exile): December 9, 1941
  • Japan took Singapore from the British.

  • Mexico joins war

    Mexico joins war
    That May, German U-boats sank two Mexican oil tankers in the Gulf of Mexico. Germany refused to apologize or compensate Mexico, and on June 1, 1942, President Manuel Ávila Camacho issued a formal declaration of war against the Axis Powers.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 - 2 February 1943) is one of the turning points of World War 2 in which German troops of the 6th Army and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the southwestern Soviet Union.
  • El alamein

    El alamein
    During the early part of the war the WW2 Axis powers had a number of victories in British controlled North Africa. The Axis powers wanted to capture the important Suez canal which would give them access to the Middle Eastern oil fields. Montgomery attacked the German-Italian army in North Africa with a massive bombardment followed by an armoured attack. He then proceeded to chase the routed enemy some 1500 miles across the desert.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    The Battle of Kursk or Operation Citadel was a large and decisive tank battle on the Eastern Front in World War II. It marked the end of the German offensive capability on the Eastern Front and cleared the way for the great Soviet offensives of 1944–45. This battle also saw the day with the greatest losses in the history of the air war. The battle took place in July and August 1943 between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union near the city of Kursk in Russia.
  • D-Day

    The invasion was codenamed Operation OVERLORD and took place on Tuesday 6 June, having been delayed by 24 hours because of poor weather. American, British and Canadian troops were to be landed on five different beaches across the Normandy coastline. Allied airborne troops would be dropped by parachute or glider and secure the flanks ­– the Americans in the west and the British and Canadians in the east.
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    Countries that joined the allies after D-Day

    Romania: August 25, 1944
    Bulgaria: September 8, 1944
    San Marino: September 21, 1944
    Albania: October 26, 1944
    Hungary: January 20, 1945,(formerly a member of the Axis)
    Bahawalpur: February 2, 1945
    Ecuador: February 2, 1945
    Paraguay: February 7, 1945
    Peru: February 12, 1945
    Uruguay: February 15, 1945
    Venezuela: February 15, 1945
    Turkey: February 23, 1945
    Lebanon: February 27, 1945
    Saudi Arabia: March 1945
    Argentina: March 27,1945
    Chile: April 11,1945
    People's Republic of Mongolia:August 9, 1945
  • Operation Market Garden

    Operation Market Garden
    By September 1944, Allied forces had successfully broken out of their Normandy beachhead and pursued shattered German forces across Northern France and Belgium. Initially proposed as a British and Polish operation codenamed Operation Comet, the plan was soon expanded to involve most of the First Allied Airborne Army and a set piece ground advance into the Netherlands, codenamed Market Garden.
  • Allied troops conquer Okinawa, the last island stop before the main Japanese islands.

    Allied troops conquer Okinawa, the last island stop before the main Japanese islands.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    The Battle of Iwo Jima (19 February- 26 March 1945) was a major battle in which the United States Armed Forces fought for and captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese Empire. The American invasion had the goal of capturing the entire island, including its three airfields, to provide a staging area for attacks on the Japanese main islands. This five-week battle comprised some of the fiercest and bloodiest fighting of the War in the Pacific of World War II.
  • Battle of texel

    Battle of texel
    It was a large-scale mutiny at the end of World War II of Georgian troops that were part of the German Wehrmacht. The uprising on the island was directed against the losing Germans. It started on the night of 5 to 6 April 1945 and ended on 20 May 1945 when the Canadian army arrived on Texel. At least 1000 people were killed in total among the Georgian insurgents, the German military and the Texel civilian population.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The Battle of Berlin was the fierce battle for the German capital at the end of the Second World War from the end of April to the beginning of May 1945. The total number of casualties (military and civilian) is difficult to determine precisely, but is probably well above 200.000 . Several Nazi leaders, including Adolf Hitler himself, committed suicide.
  • The Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin.

    The Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin.
  • Hitler commits suicide.

    Hitler commits suicide.
  • Germany signs an unconditional surrender at the headquarters of US General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander of Allied forces in northwest Europe, at Reims on May 7.

  • Germany signs a second, very similar, document of surrender in Berlin

    Germany signs a second, very similar, document of surrender in Berlin
  • The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • The United States drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
  • Having agreed in principle to unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945, Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II

    Having agreed in principle to unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945, Japan formally surrenders, ending World War II
  • Germany invaded and occupied Denmark and Norway.