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  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany's new war tactics called "Blitzkrieg" allowed Germany to take all of Poland in nearly a month.
  • Period: to

    The second world war

    In 1939 the second world war started when Nazi Germany invaded Poland.
  • Germany conquers most of europe

    after taking most of europe Germany set its eyes on England.
  • japan invades french Indochina

    japans conquest in the Pacific included the conquering of French Indochina, which included Siam, Cambodia and Vietnam
  • Germany invades russia

    Hitler wanted complete control of Europe and that involved invading Russia which ultimately led to the downfall of the German army. The harsh winter and relentless defensive by the Russians halted the offensive, as well as leaving Germany open for a counter attack.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    Japan destroyed the entire Pacific navy at pear harbor Hawaii crippling the u.s navy, but this led to america declaring war on Japan.
  • The allies invade Normandy france

    The allies invade Normandy france
    A risky invasion of a heavily defended beach which would be the starting ground of a march to Berlin to capture Adolf Hitler. 209,000 allied troops died that day
  • okinawa

    Okinawa was a Pacific island with huge strategic importance. The island was close enough to Japan to fly bombers to Tokyo and back. Over 19000
  • Germany surrenders

    After Allied troops invaded Berlin before he could be captured. Hitler killed himself rather than face his crimes against nature
  • The Dropping of the atom bomb

    After the massive casualties on Okinawa, the president decided to use the first atomic bomb on Japan to force them to surrender so no Americans would die.