
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    when Hitler became chancellor times stared getting tough and very burhutel. a lot of wars broke out and he did not stop there he keep wanting more power so he made concentration camps and put the Jewish people in them. the way this made a huge change on city is because a lot of blood was shed for no reason but it help make us who we are today.
  • the numberg laws

    the numberg laws
    that is when Hitler discriminated against Jewish and others he didn't like so he would send them away if they got caught talking to that race. it was a pretty hard time to look back on.
  • osu west concentracen camp

    osu west concentracen camp
    it was one of the meager concentration camps hitler sent the Jews to but they got released by the Americans in the end and the story lives on
  • the night of broken glass

    the night of broken glass
    Hitler sent in the notarize party to capsher and distort Jewish homes and businesses for no reason witch help lead up to his take over of Germany.
  • pearl harder

    pearl harder
    pearl harder was a very disappointing day it was when japan declared war upon us. and of cause we didn't let this stained so we fund bigger and better thing to beat them at there on game . it was deftly a day to put down in history. and will be forgotten.
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    it was one of the largest battles fought over all sea in the united states history. we struggled but over all in the end it help us with more war takteks.
  • d day

    d day
    it was when geman came and envade the beaches of france to try and take over but soonly failed and lost the battle.
  • the great bulge

    the great bulge
    the great bulge was a battle fought in the jungle and it was really hard to tell thing aprt from what the us army saidit was aginst germany and the united staes so after we won that it just made us even more operfull.
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    on the night Hitler died he was not alone he was with his wife.and she was also found dead but they still don know how she die because Hitler shot him self but from what it looks like she took a sinided pill. but this was one of the greatest days in history because it help stop a lot of wars and blood shed was very Minolta an thoused of people got released.
  • the first nuclear weapon

    the first nuclear weapon
    they would work on this praject for 2 years and then know one new about it except for a sureness amount but when first dropped on japan those of people blue up.