• Japenese invasion of Manchuko

    Manchuria was invaded by Japan. Japan made a state called Manchuko. This was the start of the war, of imperialism.
  • Hitler made chancellor

    This is the rise of the Nazi nation and the begining of the war.
  • The Anschuss

    Germany invades austria and tries to take it over.
  • Invasion of poland

    Germany invades Poland with help from the Soviet Union. This is basically the start of the war
  • Dunkirk

    Germany attacks France. France later had to surrender. now only Britian was the allie
  • D-Day

    U.S. invades Normandy to try and beat the German's. It was sucessful
  • Bataan death march

    forcible transfer by Japan of 60,000 to 80,000 filipino and POW's after the three month war of Bataan.
  • Battle of Midway

    U.S. navy badly wounds the Japanese navy. the turning point of the Pacific war
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor to try and knockout America. This enters america into the war
  • Battle of the Bulge

    offensive campaign launched through the densly pfcked forest of Ardennes in France and Luxemburg.
  • Victory in Europe

    the day all the axis surrender. This was the end of the war
  • Victory over Japan day

    This is the day that Japan surrenders. The first of the axis to surrender