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WW1 Timeline-Rylie Mitchell

  • Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
    Blue Heading:War Begins
    Red Heading:Origins of World War 1
    Section 1:The Road To war
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Blue Heading:War Beings
    Red Heading:The Deadliest War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • Russia mobilizes its armed forces

    Russia mobilizes its armed forces
    Blue Heading:War Begins
    Red Heading:The Deadliest War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Blue Heading:War Begins
    Red Heading:The Deadliest War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    Great Britain declares war on Germany
    Blue Heading:War Begins
    Red Heading:The Deadliest War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    High death tolls and French and Britain troops halted the German advance
    Blue Heading:The War Begins (no actual blue heading)
    Red Heading:The Deadliest War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • Battle Of Verdun

    Battle Of Verdun
    750,000 casualties for the Germans and French from new Trench Warfare, February 21, 1916-December 16th 1916
    Blue Heading:War Begins
    Red Heading:The Deadliest War
    Section1:The Road to War
  • Military defeats and food shortages led to a Russian uprising

    Military defeats and food shortages led to a Russian uprising
    Tsar was overthrown and new government vowed to keep Russia in the war.
    Blue Heading:Russian Revolution
    Red Heading:Entering The War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Central Powers

    Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Central Powers
    Wilson's goal was to fight.
    Blue Heading:Declaring War
    Red Heading:Entering the War
    Section 1:The Road to War
  • Russia and Germany sign peace treaty

    Russia and Germany sign peace treaty
    "Treaty of Brest-Litovsk", transferred some 30% of Russia's territory to Germany.
    Blue Heading:Russia Makes Peace
    Red Heading:Setbacks and Advances
    Section 3:Americans at War
  • German army unleashes series of attacks

    German army unleashes series of attacks
    Goal was to defeat Allies quickly and bring peace on German terms; the Germans called this "peace offensive".
    Blue Heading:Germany Attacks
    Red Heading:Setbacks and Advances
    Section 3:Americans at War
  • Battle of Château-Thierry; advancing Germans broke through Allied lines in Belgium and France

    Battle of Château-Thierry; advancing Germans broke through Allied lines in Belgium and France
    Less than 50 miles from Paris; if Paris falls so does France
    Blue Heading:Turning the Tide
    Red Heading:Setbacks and Advances
    Section 3:Americans at War
  • Battle of Argonne

    Battle of Argonne
    German army was losing will to fight, weakened by infulenza and deprived of supplies by the Allied blockade that had tightened since America's entry into the war.
    Blue Heading:Battle of the Argonne Forest
    Red Heading:Setbacks and Advances
    Section 3:Americans at War
  • Armistice took effect

    Armistice took effect
    Most destructive war history has yet seen finally ended, costing 10 million military lives.
    Blue Heading:War’s Deadly Toll
    Red Heading:The Armistice
    Section 3:Americans at War
  • Ratification of the Treaty of Versailles

    Ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
    By the U.S. and European nations; Senate of U.S. never signs treaty, avoiding another war and causing U.S. to become a larger/stronger nation and not join the League of Nations
    Blue Heading:Wilson’s Last Battle
    Red Heading:Battle Over the League
    Section 4: Shaping the Peace