
WW1 How Canada Became A Stronger Nation

By Josh_Z
  • Start of The Great War

    Start of The Great War
    Bosnia- Herzegovia Austria
    The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip he thus created the Great War between The Triple, since Canada was partnered wiht Britain they were also pulled into the war.
  • Period: to


    Bosnia- Herzegovia Austria
    The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip he thus created the Great War between The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.
    Canada was ruled by Britain so they were also pulled into the war.
  • Trench Warfare Begins

    Trench Warfare Begins
    Ocurring in France, Werstern Front Trenches the Canadian troops arrived in France in order to show they're support to Britain. This will be the begining of series of trench warfare
  • Canadian Convoy Success

    Canadian Convoy Success
    This event occured in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The need for more navy helped Canada improve its porduction of boats and technology. This also improved Canadas reputation and gave the country more respect. This helped Canada's economy and helped provide jobs for those not involved in the war.
  • Battle of Ypres

    Battle of Ypres
    Occuring in Ypres, Belgium what was different in this war was that it was the first use of chlorine gas.It brought pride to Candian troops after the victory.
  • Women At War

    Women At War
    During this time when most of the men were involved in the war (especially after conscription) there was a limited amount of men to work in the ammunition, and weapons factories so naturally the women had to take ove rthe jobs and work as men. This helped Canadians think of women as equals and gave way to equality between men and women. They did make less although it still gave them responsibility and an opportunity to become more independant.
  • Battle of Passchendale

    Battle of Passchendale
    This battle was founght in Ypres, Belgium. A large factor in this battle was the mud becasue Passchendale was said to have some of the worst mud and trenches in WW1. This helped Canadas pride and charisma.
  • Roy Brown and The Red Baron

    Roy Brown and The Red Baron
    Over the city of France on April 21st, 1918 Roy Brown successfully shot down the Red Baron after coming to another pilots rescue. Although there was and still is some controversy on the subject by having shot donw this plane Roy Brown brought respect and honour to the Canadian airforce and it helped give way to independence.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris, France and is extremely important to Canadas istroy because this is when we first decied that we were going to become independant from Britain and sign the Treaty ourselves. Luckily, Britain agreed and allowed us to do so, we no longer were a friend, we became an ally.
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    The League of Nations was also created in Paris, France an also helped show Canadas independance (since we signed it ourselves) and was created to establish global peace.