WW1 digital timeline final 2021

  • WW1 timeframe

    WW1 timeframe
    WW1, or the great war, began in 1914. It ended in 1918. 116.516 American solders died in the war, and there was a total of 40 million who died in the war. It was the war that was suppose to end all wars, but unfortunately did not live up to it.
  • Lusitania

    It was a luxurious British passenger ship that was owned by the Cunard Line, and known for its speed. It was first launched in 1906, and was built for transatlantic passenger trade. It was sunk by a German torpedo on May 7th, 1915. It resulted in 1,200 deaths, and 128 of those were Americans. This was one of many factors that made the US join WW1.
  • Great Migration timeframe

    Great Migration timeframe
    This was a movement of six million African-Americans from rural southern states to urban areas in the northern states. This happened between 1916 and 1970. It was before and after the Great Depression.
  • Year of first woman elected to Congress (Rankin)

    Year of first woman elected to Congress (Rankin)
    Jeannette Rankin was the first woman to be voted into congress, and she was from Montana. She was sworn into the house. She campaigned as a progressive in 1916, and promised to work for woman suffrage and social welfare problems.
  • Wilson’s Presidency term

    Wilson’s Presidency term
    In his second term, he asked for congress to declare war on onGermany in 1917. He made his 14 points speech during this presidency. He was the 28th president of the United States.
  • Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    Lenin led a Russian Revolution
    There were 2 revolutions in 1917. The first revolution overthrew the imperial government and the second one. The second one was placed under the Bolshevicks because they were the ones in power.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Congress passed this act in 1917. This authorized the federal government to have a limited time of expanding the military through conscription. This act ultimately made men from the ages of 21 to 45 register for the military.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    This act of 1917 made it illegal obtaining information, recording videos and taking pictures, or copying descriptions of any information. This was information relating to the national defense with the purpose or intent to believe that the information could hurt the US. It will also for a fear of a foreign enemy to take advantage of the nation.
  • Influenza (flu) epidemic

    Influenza (flu) epidemic
    This epidemic was a spread of the flu virus across a large region in 1918. It effected a large part of the population. There were 50 million deaths in this epidemic.
  • Wilson’s 14 points

    Wilson’s 14 points
    This was a proposal made by the Woodrow Wilson in a speech before congress in 1918. It was outlining his vision for the end of WW1 in a way that another war likes this would not happen again. People were not in favor of this because it was making the US very very limited to its options in the matter of Europe. it ultimately would not pass in congress.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    This was a test to the first amendment. This act was permitting the deportation, fine, or imprisonment of anyone deemed a threat or publishing incorrect writing. This is incorrect writing against the United States.
  • Schenck vs. US

    Schenck vs. US
    This was a legal case in which the US Supreme Court tested freedom of speech that could be restricted in the US constitution. It could only be tested if it was spoken, and represented to a society a clear danger.
  • US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

    US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles
    The senate rejects the treaty of Versailles, which would end WW1. They would reject this agreement because Wilson failed to take senators’ objections to the agreement into consideration.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    This guaranteed American women the right to vote.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    This was a bribery scandal involving the President Harding’s administration in 1921 to 1923. They were convicted of accepting bribes from oil companies.
  • The Hollywood Sign is inaugurated

    The Hollywood Sign is inaugurated
    The sign was originally called “HOLLYWOODLAND.” It was used for as an advertisement to a new segregated housing development in Beverley Hills. This was in the district of Los Angeles.
  • Mahatma Gandhi is released from jail

    Mahatma Gandhi is released from jail
    On March 10th, 1922, Gandi was arrested on charges of sedition. This was done by the British government. He was originally sentenced for 6 years, but then got out 2 years later because of medical reasons.
  • Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes first female governor

    Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes first female governor
    She was the first woman to take the oath of office as governor of a state. She was nominated as a democratic candidate. She stressed for the need of tax relief for farmers, and proposed legislation to require counties, school boards, and the state council to prepare budgets. They were to also publish them before levying any taxes.
  • Robert Goddard launched the first successful liquid fuel rocket

    Robert Goddard launched the first successful liquid fuel rocket
    Robert Goddard was an American professor, aerospace engineer, physicist, and inventor. He successfully launches the first liquid fuel rocket, and did it in an era of space flight and innovation.
  • The great Mississippi Flood

    The great Mississippi Flood
    This flood was the most destructive river flood in the history of our country. It went for a range 27000 square miles, and the depths of this water were up to 30 feet. More 200,000 African-Americans were displaced, ad 50 Americans would die. To prevent future floods like this, the federal government constructed the largest system of leves and floodways.