WW1 Battles

  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Germany won the battle it was Germany vs. Russia. Destruction of half of the Russian Second Army, capture of 92,000 prisoners, and death or wounding of 30,000 Russian soldiers. Became a symbolic part of Russian and German political and commemorative culture.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    The French and British armies, with some assistance from the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), launched a surprise attack against the German army. The Germans had been advancing quickly toward Paris, following the Schlieffen Plan, with the goal of winning the war in 40 days. The French were able to halt the German advance and both sides dug in, creating the first trenches of World War I.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    The battle was fought in the Ypres Salient, a section of the front line surrounding the town of Ypres, Belgium. The Germans used the battle as a diversion to hide their movement away from the Western Front. They also wanted to test their new weapon, chlorine gas, on a large scale. The Germans were able to create a large gap in the Allied line, but they were unable to take advantage of it.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    A military operation that took place during World War I. Allied forces, including the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), as well as troops from Great Britain and Ireland, France, India, and Newfoundland. Military defeat for the Allies, but established the military reputation of the Anzacs.
  • Battle of Verdun

    The battle of France emerged victorious, but neither side gained much territory. France emerged victorious, but neither side gained much territory.
  • Battle of Passchendaele

    Allies against the German Empire. Allied victory, but at a great cost. A symbol of the senseless slaughter of the First World War.
  • Battle of Caporetto

    The Battle of Caporetto was a military disaster for the Italian army during World War I. The Italian army fought against the combined forces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German Reich. The Austro-German forces broke through the Italian front line, routing the Italian army. The Italians retreated 150 kilometers to the Piave River, and more than 600,000 Italian soldiers surrendered or deserted.
  • Battle of Cambrai

    The British deployed 476 tanks, including 378 in combat roles. The battle began with the British Third Army launching an attack on Cambrai
    The British made significant gains on the opening day, advancing around 5 miles and taking several villages.
  • Spring Offensive

    France, the French Third Republic, and West Flanders. Goal: To win the war before the United States could become an effective force
    Leader: General Erich Ludendorff.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    The battle involved French, American, British, and Italian forces. American troops played a critical role, accounting for more than 40% of Allied casualties. The battle ended in a major victory for the Allies after an Allied counterattack overwhelmed the Germans on their right flank. The Germans retreated almost 10 km in the next two days, and by August 3, they were back to where they had been before the offensive began.
  • Hundred Days Offensive

    The offensive began with the Battle of Amiens, and included the Battle of St Quentin Canal. The Allies broke through the Hindenburg Line and pushed the German Army back to the battlefields of 1914. The offensive led to the Armistice of November 11, 1918, which ended the war with an Allied victory.