

By J4k3
  • The Machine Gun

    The Machine Gun was considered a sight to behold upon the battle field. If the Machine Gun's sights were on you, you can say your prayers and hope it misses, but most likely, you'll get sent home in a bodybag. The Machine gun was first made and used by the Americans, but then the Germans and the Russians found its unique form to be alluring, and tried to make their own type of Machine Guns. The Machine Guns nontheless, were an asset to everybody in the war
  • Germans: Poisonus monsters

    The Germans had been losing the war. Since the Germans couldnt really keep up with the death count of their own, they decided to raise their enemies death count by tenfold. They made poisonous gas. The Germans made gas masks so that they wouldnt be killed by their own contraption. After a matter of time, the Germans would use their poisonous gas as slyly as possible, so no enemys could get smart before it was too late. The poisonous gas killed millions of soldiers.
  • Tanks

    When the Brittish got nervous, they brought out the big artillery: The Tank. When the Brittish knew they were going to lose the war, they went ahead and brought out the tank to take out a big portion of the armies, which sent the germans running and the Americans retreating. With the Brittish only having the thoughts of glory and success on their mind, The Americans and the Germans were planing something devious to do, in order to take down the tank and to kill the men piloting the tank.