WW ll Timeline

  • Hitler named chancellor

  • Paris falls to Germany

  • Germany invades Russia breaking there nonaggression partnership

  • France and England declare war on germany

  • germany invades poland

  • French and British troops evacuate Dunkirk

  • Japanese Americans are put into internment camps

  • The lend-lease act is signed into law

  • U.S wind battle of midway

  • pearl harbor attack

  • US declares war on japan

  • Japan surrendered to US

  • D-DAY

  • Marines plant the US flag at Iwo Jima

  • President Roosevelt dies

  • Hitler kills himself and his wife

  • U.S.S Indianapolis is sunk by torpedo leading to the worst shark attack in history

  • The atom bomb is used on Hiroshima

  • The atom bomb is used on Nagasaki

  • V-E day