WW 2 and cold war timline

By jada03
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese had aggression against China & Indochina. Japan intended to create a Japanese sphere of economic domination, trying to solve economic problems through expansion. But the US response to the Japanese aggression limited isolationist policies such as gas and oil.
  • Munich Pact

    This was a policy made by Britain and France. This was important because it was kind of like a settlement. Allow Hilter to take more land but exchange for him not to ask for more land later. This settlement or agreement was broken. This gave Czechoslovakia away to German conquest.
  • Kristallnacht

    known as ¨night of broken glass.¨ It lasted from Nov 9 to Nov 10, 1938. Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses. I learned that this attack on Jewish people killed close to 100 Jews.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invaded Poland and it happens because it was to regain lost land rule to their neighbor to the east. This led to Germany’s invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, which led to France and Britain declaring war on Germany.
  • Neutrality Acts of 1939

    Neutrality Acts of 1939 were pass which allowed European democracies to buy American war materials. But only cash and carry basis. This was to try to keep the U.S out of the war this why it was mainly important.
  • Atlantic Charter

    FDR and Winston Churchill signed a policy. This settle for endorsed self-determination and a system of general security. This statement basically of US and British war aims.
  • Atlantic Conference (see Atlantic Charter in 7.1)

  • Exec Order 8022

    A leader of an African American labor union, A. Philip Randolph threatened to organize a march on Washinton demanding equal access to wartime jobs. In response, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which prohibited ethnic and racial discrimination in the nation´s defense industry. I learned that even though this order was passed African Americans still faced some segregation in the military.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    This act set a system that allowed sales or loans of war materials to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the U.S. To any government and defense articles Necessary in the interest of the defense of the united states.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    This was an attack on japan against the Pearl Harbor naval base. This was the hope of destroying the US Pacific Fleer and that it weakens the American people. The goal was to US capitulation allow japan continue the expansion.
  • Exec Order 9066

    This was issued by President Roosevelt. This authorized the evacuation of all persons to deem threat national security from the west coast to move the center island. Basically if your a threat to national security the army can evacuate you.
  • Battle of Midway

    This battle was a major naval battle in the pacific victories. Used a strategy by United States of island hopping. The goal was to get close enough to the Japanese home islands so they could launch a surprise attack in preparation for an invasion. The US wanted the Soviet Union to participate in any invasion of Japan. I learned that the victory at Midway stopped the Japenese from advancing and put them on the defensive.
  • Operation Torch

    This was the invasion of North Africa was launched to free the Mediterranean Sea from German control and protect the oil fields in the Middle East. This was the first major Allied offensive of the war. It was successfully completed in May 1943.
  • D-Day

    This was significant that play role in WW2. Allied attempts to win back France from Nazi Germany by, landing troops on the French beaches of Normandy.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This battle is known as the Ardennes Counteroffensive. Was a major german offensive campaign and the last one. The invasion of
    British, French, and American marched towards Berlin from the west after the Battle of the Bulge. The cost of this battle cost Germany valuable reason but the Allied won.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    This was a case Korematsu was a Japanese American who refused to leave his home. Took this case to the supreme court and arguing that internment violated his rights. But Korematsu lost and the court upheld the Japanese internet as constitutional.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference - Churchill, FDR, Stalin - Final plans for the defeat of Europe & began a discussion of post-war European Plans.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    This was the ending of the war when President Truman decided to drop the bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki. This was important and needed to stop the fighting on the home island in Japanese. But the Japanese surrender and no invasion was needed.
  • United Nations is created

    Helped to organize and start the United Nations. United Nations is an organization task to promote international cooperation and to maintain order. Learn the ideas of the United Nations were based on prosposed ideas.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Laws are anti-semitic and racial laws passed by Adolf Hitler in 1935. I learned that this law restricted the rights of Jews in Germany. It was no secret that Hitler hated Jewish people and wanted them to suffer as much as possible.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Pledged to contain communism in Europe and was first applied when the United States supplied military and financial aid to Greece and Turkey to resist the communist-backed rebel forces there. I learned that they feared a war-torn and economically weak Western Europe would elect socialist-communist governments.
  • Marshall Plan

    proposed by Secretary of State George Marshall on April 3, 1948. This was an attempt by the United States to offer financial aid to promote economic rebuilding and prevent the fall of European countries to communism. I learned that the Marshall Plan was one of the many economic recovery plans passed in 1948, that was designed to help the people that needed it most.
  • Israel is established

    Jewish was officially an independent state. They helped them get organized to start their own Union. The United States supported the Jewish people with the creation of the Jewish state of Israel. The US promptly recognized & supported Israel demonstrates the impact of German war crimes on the conscience of the US & the world.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The reason for this because the soviet union was a blockade into the west. The united states airlift food, medicine to people in the city. This was one of the greatest events in history during the cold war.
  • US establishes NATO

    Nato stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This was a form to give security by the soviet union. This was the first military alliance the US entered in western.
  • Soviet Union tests Atomic Bomb

    Test the first atomic bomb in 1949.led the united states to speed up the development of the bomb and start a nuclear race. China fell into communism under the leadership of Mao Zeodong.
  • Korean Conflict (War)

    The main cause was the spread of communism during the Cold War, American containment, and the Japanese occupation of Korea. It was between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
  • Soviet Union launches Sputnik

    This was the first human-made object that orbits the earth. It was an successful launch that came to shock the citizens and experts in the United States. This started a race between the union and the United States.
  • National Defense Education Act

    This was a successful legislative initiative it established the legitimacy of federal funding of higher learning/educataion. Made avaibilty favaiabltiy for low students. Basically providing funds into the United States education for all levels.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    This was a fight between Afghanistan called Mujajudeen and soviet.
    The United States supports Afghanistan. First military expedition since WWII and improve relations in the Cold War.
  • Rise of the Berlin Wall

    This was the end of the Cold War they say. This wall was symbolized of lack of freedom under communism. But this was to keep western from coming to east Germany.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    It fell because it was a mass protest. Berlin wall was diving communism eats Germany from west Germany crumbled down fast. It was a forbidding barrier between two states and poticial ideals.