
World History Time Line, Sofi

  • More Goods, More Leisure

    More Goods, More Leisure
    The assambly line and mass production took hold in industry. More consumer goods were aviable. Sporting events were important. Travel in trains, buses, or cars. Vacations and fun activities were included.
  • Period: to

    Time Line

  • Artistic and Literary Trends

    Artistic and Literary Trends
    With political, economic and social uncertainties came artistic and intellectual achievements.
  • Mass Culture: Radio and Movies

    Mass Culture: Radio and Movies
    The mass production of radios began.The cinema became a very important source of entretainment. The documentarys bring important messages.
  • Literature: The Search for the Unconscious

    Literature: The Search for the Unconscious
    "Stream of consciousness" was a technique used by writers. Two important writers were: James Joyce and Hermann Hesse.
  • Art: Nightmares and New Visions

    Art: Nightmares and New Visions
    Abstract art became more popular. Artist express their feelings of life in their art. The Photomontage (a combination of photos) was invented. An important artistic movement was the surrealism.
  • Frontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities

    Frontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities
    Bombing civilian populations would be an effective way to force governments to make peace. Bombing in War was used against a variety of targets.
  • The Mobilization of People

    The Mobilization of People
    In the World War II fighting covered most of the World. Economic moblization (The Act of assembling and preparing for war) was more extensive.
  • The Female Function in the Second World War

    The Female Function in the Second World War
    Women occupied a large number of labors. There was more accpetance for female participation in War combats. They handle traditional male tasks. Women could fulfill male tasks just as good as men or even better. They used formal military uniforms. The feministic movement began, they became an important part of the labor market and they slowly had more rights. The porpouse of the movement was the equality between both sexes.
  • The Mobilization of People: The Soviet Union

    The Mobilization of People: The Soviet Union
    The defeats affected the civilization, they don´t have any food and a lot of people died. They started producing tanks and artillery prices. Women worked in industries, that gave a big increase of 60 percent.
  • The Bombing of Cities: Britain

    The Bombing of Cities: Britain
    The German air force bombed London nightly. An enormous damage was done. The Londoners mantein their morale and set the standard for the rest of the population.
  • Mobilization of People: Japan

    Mobilization of People: Japan
    Obedience and hierarchy were used to encourage citizens to sacrifice for the national cause. The prime minister opposed female employment.
  • Bombing of cities: Germany

    Bombing of cities: Germany
    The ferocious bombing of Dresden killed hundred, thousands inhabitants and refuges. Millions of building were destroyed and half a million civilians died.
  • The Mobilization of People: The United States

    The Mobilization of People: The United States
    It was not fighting the war in its own territory. Produced much in its own territory. They produced a lot of the militaqry equipment. The mobilization of the American Economy resulted in some social turmoil.
  • The Tehran Conference

    The Tehran Conference
    Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill were leaders of the Big Three of the Grand Alliance. They met at Tehran to decide the future course of the war. The Allies agreed to a partition os a postwar Germnay.
  • The Mobilization of People: Germany

    The Mobilization of People: Germany
    Hitler increases the production of weapons, the economic situation changed. In 1942 Hitler ordered a massive increase in armaments production. Every store was closed, the economic situation was worst day by day. Women had more jobs.
  • The Bombing of cities: Japan

    The Bombing of cities: Japan
    The bombing of civilians reached a new level with the first atomic bomb. Japan recieved the biggest bombers of the War.
  • The Atomic Bomb

    The Atomic Bomb
    A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that drives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. Nuclear weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction. They cause damage and large devaste, fires and radiation.
  • The Japanese War

    The Japanese War
    The USA deafeated The Japanese Navy and stablished naval supeority in the Pacific. A combination of armies and navys attacked Japanese islands. Japanese manufactured goods. They conquered the South Asia.
  • The Yalta conference

    The Yalta conference
    Held in the city of Yalta, Crimea. Three leaders assisted, President Roosevelt, Churchill from England and Stalin from USSR. They discussed the creation of the United Nations. They wanted that all free countries of Europe had free elections to determine the political system upon they'll be ruled.
  • The Postdam Conference

    The Postdam Conference
    It demanded free elections throughout Eastern Europe, that had to be under communist control, and free elections would threaten the goal. The allies did agree that trials should held of leaders who had commited crimes against humanity.
  • The Price of Development: UNESCO and Traditional Music

    The Price of Development: UNESCO and Traditional Music
    The Unied Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization tried to rescue the traditional music. An inspiration to preserve different expressions before they dissapear.
  • Rivalry in Europe

    Rivalry in Europe
    The United States and Great Britain believed that liberated nations of Eastern Europe should freely determine their own governments. The Soviet Army stayed in those areas.
  • A New Struggle

    A New Struggle
    Only months after the world´s most devasting conflict had ended, the world seemed to be divided once again.
    The West thought Soviet policy was part of a Communist conspiracy. A policy of Global Capitalist Expansionism.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    For the president Harry Truman, the United States offered forcing a country threatened by communist expansion. They became a fundation of the United States Policy.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The idea was that communism was succussful in countries with economic problems. The Marshall Plan provided $13 billion to re-build Europe.
  • The Division of Germany

    The Division of Germany
    Before the World War II, Germnay was really big. At the end of the war the Allie divided Germany. In 1949 thete were two parts of Germnay: In the East German State was the German Democratic Republic, set up by Soviets. In the West, the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • The Arms Race

    The Arms Race
    The Soviet Union and The United States developed the more deadly hydrogen bomb. They believed making those arms, they could prevent war.
  • Environmental Problems and Landscape Changes

    Environmental Problems and Landscape Changes
    Man has become a predator, sometimes due to necessity, others to ambition and ignorance. This behavior has produced environmental problems and changes in the landscape.
  • The War Industry in Times of Peace

    The War Industry in Times of Peace
    The Americans have teh most powerful worldarmy. Many countries have not ceased to invest a great part of their income for production and armies.
  • New Military Alliances: The Spread of the Cold War

    New Military Alliances: The Spread of the Cold War
    If one nation attacked with nuclear weapons, the other nation would still be able to respond and devaste the attacker. The NATO composed by: Belgium, Luxemborg, France, Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, and Iceland.
    The WARSAW PACT: Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
    The SEATO: Pakistán, Thailand, Australia, The Philippines, and New Zealand.
    The CENTO: Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistán, etc.
  • The Diversity of Ideas

    The Diversity of Ideas
    Human intelligence was impotent in front of world conflicts. New religions were stablished. There were pacifist movements. Some Important characters were: Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
  • A Wall in Berlin

    A Wall in Berlin
    It was the division between East and West from 1961 to 1989. The East occuppied by Soviet Union, and the West by Grat Britain, France and The USA. The East was communist and the West was not communist. Later it was reinforced with soldiers. Many people tried to pass from East to West, but many died trying. In November, 1989 people demolish the Wall without the intervention of soldiers.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    Kenedy had a plan with cuban exiles to make an invasion in Cuba against Castro, but it was a disaster. The Cuban missile crisis seems to bring the World in a Nuclear War.
  • Vietnam and the Domino Theory

    Vietnam and the Domino Theory
    Vietnam War started in 1959. The Domino Theory said that if Vietnam won and became communist, this would then spread all thruough Asia. People disagreed with the war. Vietnam won the War and The Domino Theory was proved wrong.
  • Peace and New War

    Peace and New War
    The Total Victory of the Allies in the World War II was followed by a period of political tensions, called the Cold War.