Chapters 1-3
-Everyone at WH is ill mannered
-LW is stuck at WH
-He reads the book in Catherine's old room
-He dreams about the sermon and hears the tapping on the window
-The ghost of Catherine grabs him and begs him to let her in
-HC comes in due to LW's yelling
-HC goes to the window and begs Catherine to come back -
Chapters 4-6
-LW goes back to TG and asks Nellie Dean about the Earnshaw family
Earnshaw family story:
-HC is brought to family as an orphan
-Catherine and HC are friends- spend all their time together
-Hindley hates HC b/c of Mr. Earnshaw's favoritism
-Mr. Earnshaw dies
-Hindley returns from college with Frances
-Hindley treats HC as a servant
-Catherine and HC go to TG to spy on the Lintons
-Catherine gets bit by a dog- she stays there- they send HC home -
Chapter 7
-Catherine returns from TG a "lady"
-HC asks Nellie to make him more like Edgar
-Lintons visit WH and the applesauce incident happens
-Catherine leaves the guests to see HC locked in the small room
-HC vows revenge on Hindley- he hopes Hindley doesn't die before he can get revenge on him -
Chapter 8
-Frances gives birth and dies
-Hindley's grief makes him miserable and angry at everyone- especially HC
-Catherine and HC hang out, but she spends lots of time with the Lintons, so HC is jealous
-Linton comes to visit and Catherine hits Nellie and Edgar, which brings them closer together "they declared themselves lovers" -
Chapter 9
-HC catches Hareton when Hindley drops him from the banister
-Nellie and Catherine discuss Edgar's proposal and her love for him and HC
-HC hears Catherine say it would degrade her to marry HC so he leaves
-Cathy looks for HC in the terrible weather- gets sick
-Gets well at the Lintons and she and Edgar marry 3 years after his father's death (his mother had died earlier- Catherine got them both sick) -
Chapter 10
-Lockwood gets sick
-HC returns with $$$
-HC is invited into the house to see Catherine
-HC begins staying at WH
-Catherine is very joyous about HC return
-Catherine must apologize to Edgar, but asks to allow HC
-HC comes to TG consistently
-Isabella Linton falls in love with HC
-Admits it to Catherine + Nelly, warns her about it not being a good idea
-HC owns all the money now, taking it from Hindley
-HC comes early due to Edgar's absence
-Big fight between Catherine and Isabella over HC love -
Chapter 11
-Nelly has superstitious urge to visit WH
-HC is kinda father of Hareton, taught swears
-At TG, Nelly sees HC advance on Isabella
-Nelly and Catherine confront HC and question his reasons for advancing on Isabella
-HC says that Catherine scorned her by marrying Edgar, betrayal
-Edgar forces HC off the TG, Catherine locks herself in a room to force Edgar and HC to confront each other
-Edgar announces that Catherine must choose between him and HC, if Isabella marries HC, she will be disowned -
Chapter 12
-Mopey ISB
-Catherine, on third day, unlocks door
-Nelly brings her food and water
-Edgar stayed in the library, didn't check on Catherine
-Catherine is ill and delusional from fasting, flashbacks to time at WH
-Catherine is about to fall out of the window when Edgar walks in
-Disillusioned Catherine tells Edgar that she doesn't want him anymore, feels unattended to
-Nelly goes to find Kenneth the doctor, find Isabella's dog hung by collar
-Isabella and HC leave, Edgar says Linton's are disowned -
Chapter 13
-HC and IS have been gone for 2 months and during these months Edgar and Nelly try to help Catherine recover
-Catherine is pregnant
-6 weeks after she left, IS wrote Edgar apologizing but he ignored her
-IS writes to Nelly to tell her about her time at WH
-tells Nelly about how much she hates HC and that she has made a mistake
-talks about how strange and cruel Joseph and Hareton are
-tells Nelly about Hindley's hopes of murdering HC and that he has a weapon to do so
-Begs Nelly to visit -
Chapter 14
-Nelly informs E that Isabella has arrived at WH
-E says he will not forgive her and does not intend on giving her a note
-Nelly goes to WH
-HC asks about Catherine
-HC wants Nelly to help him see Catherine
-Isabella expresses her hatred of HC
-HC gets cruel towards Isabella
-Isabella would rather die or see HC die
-HC again asks for Nelly to aid in him seeing Catherine
-HC threatens he will hold Nelly a prisoner at WH and go alone
-Nelly agrees to carry a letter from HC to Catherine -
Chapter 15
-Nelly gives HC's letter to Catherine
-Catherine claims HC and Edgar broke her heart
-Catherine doesn't want to die if HC lives
-HC says Catherine killed herself
-Edgar arrives and Catherine collapses
-HC has Edgar tend to Catherine before getting angry with HC -
Chapter 16
Catherine dies in premature childbirth, and hadn't talked with anyone since her passionate meeting with HC
Edgar mourns next to C
Nelly goes to tell HC the news but he already knows
HC is angry at Nelly for crying over C
He screams for Catherine to haunt him, he can't live without "their" soul and breaks down
Nelly leaves a window open for HC to enter TG and see dead C
HC replaces Edgar's hair with his own inside of C's locket
Hindley, Isabella, & HC miss funeral. Catherine is buried near moor -
Chapter 17
-ISB suddenly returns to TG, escaping WH
-She continues to call HC the devil and throws her ring into the fire
-After HC returned to WH from hanging outside TG, Hindley locks him out and shares his plan to kill HC
-ISB shouts out, warning of the plan
-HC breaks in and beats Hindley horribly
-ISB addresses this the next morning, where HC decides the correct response is to throw a knife
-ISB goes to London and has son Linton
-Hindley dies 6 months later
-HC vows to make sure Hareton gets messed up -
Chapter 18
-12 years of Cathy's life, she is a good girl, sheltered from WH
-Cathy wants to see Penistone Crags, not allowed
- Isabella is sick and asks Edgar to visit to apologise
-Edgar tells Nelly to watch Cathy, make sure she doesn't leave TG
-Cathy asks Nelly to leave, Nelly doesn't believe she will
-Cathy isn't back for tea, Nelly searches and finds her at WH
-Cathy (13) meets Hareton (18)
-Hareon is insulted as a servent, Cathy is insulted as Hareton's cousin
-Cathy promises not to tell Edgar -
Chapter 19
Edgar returns from London with Linton
Tells everyone that Isabella is dead
"Pale, delicate, effeminate boy"
Catherine treats him like a pet
Edgar hopes playmate will help
Joesph tries to take Linton to WH
Edgar says he will, but in the morning -
Chapter 20
-Linton learns of his father and that he is going to live with him, which he is very unhappy about
-Nelly tells him lies about why he has never heard of HC before
-When HC first sees Linton, he refers to him as "it" and "property"
-Linton is terrified and does not want to stay
-HC calls Isabella a "wicked slut" for never mentioning him
-HC tells Nelly he is prepared for Linton and has a tutor
-HC says Linton is to be a tool to gain TG and get his revenge on the Lintons
-Nelly leaves Linton at WH -
Chapter 21
-Nelly and Cathy meet HC and Hareton on the moors
-The go to WH where Cathy sees Linton for the first time in 3 years
-HC hope Cathy and Linton will marry
-Linton is too sickly to show Cathy around so she leaves with Hareton
-Cathy mocks Hareton
-Cathy tells Edgar of her visit to WH
-Cathy understands why Edgar doesn't like HC
-Cathy and Linton send each other letters secretly
-Nelly finds the letters and destroys them
-Nelly tells Linton to not send anymore letters but does not tell Edgar -
Chapter 22
-Edgar’s health declines,he spends less time with Catherine
-Nelly attempts to fill the companionship role but fails
- Catherine goes for a walk ends up going over a wall to get her hat
-Heathcliff appears and tells her it was cruel to break off with Linton, and and play with his feelings; Linton is dying of a broken heart
•Catherine believes him and convinces Nelly to take her over to Wuthering Heights the next morning, but Nelly hopes that Catherine will see Heathcliff is lying -
Chapter 23
-Cathy + Nelly go to WH to see Linton
-Cathy says she wishes Linton were her brother
-Linton mentions marriage
-Cathy + Linton fight about their fathers
-Cathy pushes Linton's chair, sending him into a coughing fit
-Linton tells Cathy he wants her to leave
-As Cathy leaves, Linton screams and falls out of his chair
-Cathy helps him/reads him a ballad
-Linton wishes Cathy to come again to WH
-Cathy + Nelly return to TG
-Nelly is sick for 3 weeks
-Cathy tends to Edgar + Nelly during the day -
Chapter 24
-Nelly/Edgar are sick, so Cathy tends to them
-Cathy goes to WH @ night to visit Linton
-Hareton tries to impress Cathy w/ reading skills, but she laughs
-Hareton throws Linton during visit w/ Cathy, Linton blames Cathy for scene
-Cathy leaves, then comes back to tell Linton she won't see him again
-Nelly tells Edgar about visits, he tells Cathy why she can't go there
-Edgar tell Cathy she's not to visit WH again, but invites Linton to come to TG (which HC forbids Linton to do) -
Chapter 25
-There is a quick break in narration, Nelly tells Lockwood these events happened last winter
-Lockwood says he might love Cathy, but will likely return to the outside world
-Edgar asks Nelly about Linton, she says he is frail and weak
-Linton writes to Edgar, pleads to allow him and Cathy to meet
-Edgar finally agrees to let Cathy meet Linton on the moors
-Edgar and Nelly don't realize Linton's health is failing as fast as Edgar's own health -
Chapter 26
- Cathy & Nelly visit Linton outside WH
- Linton appears ill, but he insists that he's doing better
- Cathy comments on how the moors are like his "paradise" and how they can try hers, but he doesn't remember this conversation
- Cathy annoyed by Linton's behavior
- Linton nervous - wants HC to believe the meeting went well
- Linton falls asleep - bores Cathy
- Cathy thinks he is doing better, Nelly doesn't
- Linton wakes up thinking he heard HC
- Linton & Cathy make plans to meet again next week
Chapter 27
-Edgar is very sick, and it is causing C to be depressed
-Nelly let C go visit Linton
-C and Linton end up fighting
-HC comes, yells at Linton
-They all walk back to WH
-HC is trying to get C to marry Linton
-Catherine and HC got in a fight over the house key
-Linton tells C, HCs intentions of them marrying
-HC won’t let Nelly and C leave until C marries Linton
-But C is worried about Edgar
-Brought up to their room
-HC takes C and leaves Nelly -
Chapter 28
-Zillah frees Nelly and tell her the villagers think C and her are stuck in a marsh
-Nelly finds Catherine locked away in her room
-Catherine and Linton are married
-Linton is excited bc/ now he has all Catherine's possessions
-Nelly hurries to TCG with fear of HC
-Tells Edgar C is safe
-Group goes to save C but unsuccessful
-Edgar wants to try and change will to trustees for C
-Calls for lawyer Mr. Green
-C returns and Edgar thinks she is happily married
-Edgar Dies
-Buried next to wife -
Chapter 29
- HC comes over to TG -HC tells Cathy he's taking her to WH -HC tells Nelly he had gravedigger dig up Catherine and he saw her corpse -HC tells Nelly he believes Catherine's ghost has been haunting him since he tried to dig her up after her death but stopped when he felt her ghost w/ him -HC tells how felt/looked for Catherine's spirit everyday & was tormented by not seeing her -HC felt relief when he saw her body -Cathy returns w/ things & she goes w/ HC to WH, leaving Nelly at TG
Chapter 30
-Zillah starts to narrorate
-Cathy's job is to nurse Linton
-Linton dies
-Cathy is isolated and hates Zillah and Hareton
-Nelly wants to remove Cathy from WH but Cathy would need to be remarried
-End of Nelly's Story
-Lockwood is healthier and tells HC he won't be at TG much longer -
Chapter 31
-LW takes a note to Catherine from Nelly
-Catherine causes Hareton to throw his books in the fire
-HC thinks that Hareton resembles Catherine more and more each day
-Catherine and Hareton are starting to bond -
Chapter 32
September 1802 Lockwood has an impulse to visit THG
LW tries to visit Nelly but she moved back to WH
When LW gets back to WH Nelly tells him that HC died
She continues to tell him the events of the last months
Hareton shoots himself
As he is recuperating he and Catherine fight
Catherine gives Hareton a book, promising to teach him to read it and not mock him anymore
Nelly says the two of them had gradually grown to love each other -
Chapter 33
-HC, Cathy, and Hareton (HE) have a conflict in which Cathy declares to HC that HE would defend her should HC try to hit her
-HC almost hurts her, then stops himself (maybe CE's ghost?)
-Cathy agrees not to speak ill of HC to HE
-Nelly remarks that HE has changed in Cathy's company
-HC returns to WH and notices the two together and how they both, especially HE, resemble CE
-HC remarks how he has no motivation for his revenge plots, and how everything he sees reminds him of CE -
Chapter 34
- HC roams at night and doesn't eat -HC is strangely happy and excited -Nellie says HC looks "ghostly goblin" -HC calls the lawyer to write a will -HC believes Catherine is haunting him and calling him home -He dies, but the cause is indeterminate -Hareton is the only one who grieves -HC is buried next to Catherine; people say they see them together on the moors (the little boy telling Nellie) -Nellie tells LW that Cathy and Hareton will be married next year -LW leaves WH and visits HC's grave